Katriin Species in Ümbria | World Anvil
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Ümbria's proud, loyal, but easygoing feline race of traders, farmers, assassins, thieves, and bounty hunters

Basic Information


Katriin are a race of humanoid felines. Katriin can range greatly in their physical characteristics such as with their fur (coloration, length, and paterns), ears (size and shape), snout (size and shape), tail (length, thinkness, or absence of), eyes, fangs, claws, paw size, etc. Much of the physical characteristics will be dependent on the parents genes as well as the Katriin's environment / home region.   Arid / Deserts: Lighter (brown) colorations, taller ears, longer tails, shorter fur, some fur patterns   Tundra / Mountians: Lighter (white) colorations, thicker tails, long fur, minimal fur patterns   Jungle / Wetland / Forests: Darker colorations, short ears, shorther fur, shorter tails, some fur patterns

Growth Rate & Stages

Katriin live for only around 50-75 years. 5 stages of life: 0-3 baby, 4-8 child, 9-15 young adult, 16-49 adult, 50+ elder.

Ecology and Habitats

Katriin can survive in most climates as long as they have shelter and food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like many of the other Ümbrian races, Katriin eat a mixture of meats, vegetables, and fruits.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most groups/families of Katriin form nomadic tribes that will roam from area to area setting up small and large camps throughout their journey. Some Katriin tribes have created great trade cities such as Kroth and Greynor. Most organized groups of Katriin are loosely structured with one family or a group of families serving as leaders.   Many Katriin worship Bast (the lower goddess of cats and vengeance), Tymora (the lower goddess good fortune, victory, and adventurers), and Bathsheba (the lower goddes of misfortune and bad luck).

Facial characteristics

Katriin can range greatly in their physical characteristics such as with their fur (coloration, length, and paterns), ears (size and shape), snout (size and shape), tail (length, thinkness, or absence of), eyes, fangs, claws, paw size, etc. Much of the physical characteristics will be dependent on the parents genes as well as the Katriin's environment / home region.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Katriin see through their eyes, hear through their ears, smell through their noses, feel through their skin, and communicate through their mouth / throat. Katriin have exceptionally good smelling capabilities being able to smell scents five time further and more accurately than a Human. They also have exceptionally good hearing capabilities being able to hear sounds twice as far as Humans.
One of the many races created by the gods to populate Ümbria.
50-75 years
Average Height
4' 6" - 6' 5"
Average Weight
110-250lbs. male. 90-160lbs. female.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Katriin can range greatly in their physical characteristics such as with their fur (coloration, length, and markings), ears (size and shape), snout (size and shape), tail (length, thinkness, or absence of), eyes, fangs, claws, paw size, etc. Much of the physical characteristics will be dependent on the parents genes as well as the Katriin's environment / home region. Some of the most common colors include tan, white, black, and grey. Some of the most common markings are stripes and spots.

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