soul crystal

A soul crystal is a glass-like crystal. It is what remains of the pyre after the Dwarvish funeral ceremony back when the dwarves conducted it along with the ancients. it can be held in the palm of one's hand and glows silver at night and gold during the day. Its light is subtle but holds significant power as it allows for lighting and the growing of plants in dark places.   It looks like a glass crystal with a glowing fog inside of it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is imbued with the magic of the ancients. Infused with the elements, (and so they believe: the spirits of the deceased dwarves)

Manufacturing process

The antler-headed Ancients would sprout a nest of twines for the deceased to lay on top. The eagle-winged would flap its wings and set the twines ablaze. The six-legged would then douse the flames and crystallize the pile of ashes. The fox-tailed would then imbue the crystals with light from the moon and sun. The dwarves would then take a crystal from the mound as an amulet. The six-legged would then cover the pile with earth The eagle-winged would then call on the wind to send seeds The antler-headed would then water the pyre The fox-tailed would then sing a song of blooming. These mounds would bloom with flowers and the soul crystal would gleam with white and gold in the light of the sun and moon. these mounds can still be found in the Crystalline Lake .


Created by the Ancients during Dwarvish funeral ceremony during the Ancient Times.   During the dark days the dwarves fled into the mountains and lived underground. The light from the soul crystals would allow them to grow some plants in the absence of sunlight, and find their ways during the night. Giving them some sense of day-night rithms even while underground.


Cultural, religious item that is believed to hold the spirit off the deceased.
Item type
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Common, but limited and revered.
10cm long, ~3cm wide.

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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