House Brimscale

"When the world stopped and the last of the royal half-giants fell at his feet, Valxed and his sisters took up the motion of his former friend. The rivers boiled and the ground trembled. At that moment, The Hunger knew to fear the name; Brimscale." House Brimscale is one of the newer of the Great Houses to rise after the fall of Hammerfell. They are made up of mostly all true dragonborn hailing from the lands of the Sovereign Territory. The oldest settlement belonging to the house's roots is Okorai. Brimscale rose to prominence after Velxed helped stop the Hunger with his two sisters Dreamer and Kalera. The main people of note from House Brimscale are Valxed, Dreamer, Kalera, Peros, and Titus.

Our Scales Will Never Splinter

Founding Date
109 BC
Geopolitical, Great house
Family Leader
Related Species