
“In all my dealings with the lizardfolk. I was never able to tell what they were thinking. Their reptilian eyes belied no hint of their intentions. I gave them supplies. They gave me the willies.” — A merchant's account of the lizardfolk.   Lizardfolk, also known as lizard men, were a race of reptilian humanoids native to Úsela. Lizardfolk were semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids. Taller than humans and powerfully built, lizardfolk were often between 6 and 7 feet (1.8–2.1 m) tall and weighed between 200 and 250 pounds (90.7–113 kg). Lizardfolk had non-prehensile muscular tails that grew to three or four feet in length, and these were used for balance. They also had sharp claws and teeth. Although non-reptilians struggled to tell the difference between males and females, lizardfolk could easily distinguish themselves. Lizardfolk were strong and hardy beings, and their thick scaly hides protected against attack. They could hold their breaths far longer than humans could, up to twice as long as an equivalent human. This ability enabled them to operate underwater in their marshy homes.

Basic Information


Lizardfolk were semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids. Their skin was covered in scales and varied in color from dark green through to shades of brown and gray.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk generally inhabited marshes and swamps in the temperate and warm regions of Novarus. The majority dwelled in swamps in well-hidden lairs, but around a third of the lizardfolk population actually laired in underwater caves that were filled with air. There were populations of lizardfolk in the Vestian Wilds and the Dragonspire Forests, around the Lake of Whispers and the Jagged Forest, on the Isle of Valstrum, and in the Drowning Marsh.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lizardfolk gathered into tribes. A typical tribe might have 150 lizardfolk, with around 50 male, 50 female, and 50 hatchlings, Another might have only 30–60 adults, with half as many hatchlings and one tenth that number in unhatched eggs.   Lizardfolk society was patriarchal and leaders held their positions for their strength and power alone. Although challenges for leadership were rarely made, anyone in the tribe could try and seize power from the leader. This would leave the tribe unorganized and vulnerable until a new leader took charge or the old leader had reasserted their position. Lizardfolk leaders were most often barbarians or even druids. In a tribe, they would be assisted by two lieutenants. Many skilled warriors were fighters and barbarians.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lizardfolk were often used willing by dragons as a slave army, helping them achieve whatever their masters needed.

Civilization and Culture


The lizardfolk themselves had no written history. Lizardfolk themselves believed they were one of the first humanoid races on Úsela. In their story, lizardfolk had dwelled in the swamps since the beginning and that all the civilized races outside had evolved from weak lizardfolk who could not endure their harsh life and left the swamps. The truth nature of their existence however was known by the dragons. The dragons had always used lizardfolk as slaves and armies as they were worshipped almost like gods.
Average Height
6 - 7 ft
Average Weight
200 - 250 lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin was covered in scales and varied in color from dark green through to shades of brown and gray