The Everspreading Web of Deceit

Spreading rumor has now become fact as a large network of pretty strong webs have engulfed the entire Marseden Forest. The druid grove that usually oversees the reforestation efforts of the kingdom in the Sovereign Terrority, has been missing since the webs were first spotted.



The Marseden Forest has recently been seen as a place of worry as a large entanglement of spiderwebs have covered the entire forest and surrounding area. The webs look to be made from giant spiders, however none have been reported turning an entire forest into their playground. The Druid Grove of the forest has also gone dark since the incident first happened, leaving many to speculate what has happened. Strange and terrifying creatures, skirting the line between man and beast, have been seen lingering on the edge of the forest, daring any wary travelers to enter and never be seen again. The webs have also disrupted the local trade route cutting through the forest, linking the roaming caravans to the cities of Romalius and Brayfalls. The Sovereign Council and Lord Kaydwen have been curious about the situation and have sent out teams to scout the area and look for the cause of the problem.



Get to the druid grove in the middle of the forest as well as drive out whatever is effecting the area.


If the forest is not cleansed by the webs, it might spread to all corners of the kingdom.
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