The Sovereign

“It was not the work of the old gods or humanoid or creature of myth. He appeared as if made from platinum and forged in the Astral Plane itself. A voice reached out and spoke through the darkness, and a name forever changed our world; Sovereign.”

The Sovereign is a being of unknown origin and design. Some people have seen the benevolent deity appear as an angelic knight adorned in platinum armor, a horned helmet, and armored wings. Others say that the being appears as a humanoid wrapped in dull robes with a cloak hiding his face. The only thing for certain in both descriptions is the texturing of exposed skin, if any was seen, is that of swirling cosmic and astral colors. As if the Sovereign was made from the universe itself.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Status
Resting in Elysium
Golden, shimmering
20 ft but can grow to any size
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