Adirondack Forest Fires | WBtV

Adirondack Forest Fires

Work in Progress
  This article is under construction and may contain unfinished sentences and sections.
  Forest fires have been a common occurence in the Adirondack Mountains for a long time. They are a natural disaster which fullfil a specific ecological purpose, but are very distructive in their nature. In the modern day these forest fires happen occasionally, but are rarely threatening to settlements within the mountains. This has been the case since the Adirondacks were ravaged by massive fires in 1903 and 1908. In response to these disasters both human as well as supernatural authorities put in place various counter measures to ensure such an event would not be repeated.

Causes and Counter Measures

  Campers, hikers and other tourists are a fairly common cause of forest fires during droughts. They often lack the knowledge just how easy it is to start a forest fire with a camp- or bonfire. Other times they simply do not care. Fire restrictions and heavy fines help reduce the risks, but not everyone is detered.   Steam Locomotives   In rare cases, the cause of a forest fire has been a supernatural event or creature. These forest fires often had to be dealt with by supernatural agencies like the Archdruid of New York, the Hunter's Guild or any of the supernatural nations present within the forest. There were forest fires caused by a pheonix, fire salamanders, fire giants and ifrits.   Other ideas: Aatxe (Basque), Zhar-Ptitsa (Slavic Fire Bird)   Arsonists      


    Rejuvenating forests   Dryads are always affected by forest firest, but accept them as a natural course of their life. Most dryads will either survive the forest fires or be reborn shortly after with a new tree. However, due to human intervention in some cases the fires became too hot and killed entire groves and forests of dryads.   Destroying settlements   killing animals and other creatures

Forest Fire Prevention and Response

  Detection   Infrastructure   Controlled fires   Rapid reaction  

Affected Settlements and Peoples

In the past forest fires affected a number
Natural Disaster
Major Fires

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin
