Antarctic Ice Spirit | WBtV

Antarctic Ice Spirit

It's sooo cold. It feels like I am freezing from the inside. Every breath I take burns like fire on in lungs from the heat. I ... I ... it's so cold.
— last words of a victim
A ghostly being which can possess humans and survives only in freezing temperatures. Why they possess humans is unknown and seems strange as human bodies are far above the freezing point. Ice spirits are usually not visible to the human eye. They can be felt by as it is always considerable colder around them than in whatever place they are currently.

Geographic Distribution

This spirit exclusively appears in Antarctica. There are no known sightings in the Arctic or other cold places around the world. These spirits have been encountered by research teams and explorers on most of the continent.   They require very cold temperatures to survive. When captured and brough to the a warm environment they eventually die. This takes several months of warm temperatures until they actually seize to exist.

Possessing Humans

It is not known why they are attracted to the human body or any warm body. They possess them simply by getting into them as they are purely energy based beings. Once a human or animal is possessed they will feel this cold feeling and slowly freeze to death. The spirits can be expelled from a human with some magic spells or prevented from entering with protective charms. This is why all researchers and visitors to the Antarctic wear these charms and may never leave them behind. The charms are created by shamans or witches.

Symbotic Possession

Not all humans have died from the possession. There is one woman who had lived in Norway who survived for many years and could control the cold. She kept it a secret and hid her coldness as good as she could. She got married and eventually had a child. Her child had was born possessed and had the ability to control this cold even better. Over generations the ice spirit has been inherited. They learnt how to use the powers of the cold to their advantage by not only manipulating the temperature, but eventually even manipulating ice.
Ice Spirit
Nature Spirit

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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