Death Ward Talisman

A small piece of roughly shaped dragon bone. It has a hole in the center where a leather strap goes through. It is an extremely powerful charm that protects its wearer from anything that would kill them. The magic of the charm is fueled by the mystical energies innate to the dragon bone.   The magic does not work on a natural death or when the death is caused by something that completely or largely destroys the body of the person wearing it.   This death ward was created by a powerful sorcerer for his daughter who had a nack for getting into trouble and used the talisman several times during her adventures. This was in ancient times. Since then the talisman has been in the hands of several other figures, but then was lost somewhere at sea. There is swam around for several decades until it was washed up on shore somewhere in New York. There it was found by the hunter Nelly Star. Since then it has been in possession of the Hunter's Guild and is given to important and powerful hunters on dangerous missions. Their possession of this invaluable piece of dragon bone has been a contentious issue with the Dragon Loyalists who wish to rover the piece. However, due to the non-aggression pack between the two they have not made any aggressive action to recover it. The loyalists do check in with it regularly to see if the guild has lost it and who is wearing it.
Dragon Bones
Unauothorized Talisman
Death Ward
Current Owmer
Dalton Marshal

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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