Warrior Council | WBtV

Warrior Council

The highest governing body of the Five Ponds Nation. Members of the warrior council are elected in democratic elections by the citizens of Five Ponds Nation.  

Structure & Sessions

The council consists of a total of sixty members and acts as the legislative body of the nation. Each member has one vote and can submit motions, new laws, changes to laws, questions for the executive and many other procedures. The debates within the hall are highly structured and follow struct rules. Seniority within the council is important and older members enjoy certain privileges.   The council has three sessions per year each lasting for two months. During a session the council members convene twice a week to debate and then vote on procedures, motions and laws. The sessions are lead by the First Warrior. This position is procedural only and does not come with any additional perks. The First Warrior is appointed by the council from its own ranks for a period of eight years. A replacement is then added to the council.


The warrior council started out as a council of the strongest members of the clan. This tradition was slowly changed and eventually the council was subverted by oligrachs of the clan and only the most powerful families were part of the council.   Until a major reform after the Second Adirondack War. This reform brought about democratic elections and limitations to their executive powers. A new executive was formed with just nine members who would lead the nation into the future.   The council was dominated by five families for most of its existence but the latest election in 2018 saw a major upset bringing in a number of new members from two new political parties.

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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