A Battle between Elders

Military: Battle


After the tensions between Cheyvyne and Yu Xun reached an all time high they actually engaged in direct combat. Such a battle had never been seen before. The fight lasted for many days and in the end Yu Xun came out victorious as Cheyvyne retreated. She was unable to kill him as several of his oldest followers covered his retreat and several of them payed the ultimate price.
  After his retreat Cheyvyne decided to return to his homeland to ask Kaynyn and the other elders for support.
  At the same time Yu Xun retreated as well after the battle as she had been on the brink of true death herself. She moved back to Manchuria to the heart of her power and called for the other elders to aid her in her conquest of Korea.
  Tales of this battle are told until today, as something like this has never happened again since.

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