Alchemists' Council
Restructuring the Codex
We are currently moving articles around and changing the general structure of the Codex. Please come back later if you get lost!Feature Testers & Quality Control
World Anvil continues to evolve and improve. Small changes and fixes are being made on a regular basis and are being pushed out to the platform. Major changes take more time and carry a higher risk of something going wrong. The development team can never catch every problem with the overall functionality or interface. This is where the Alchemist's Council comes in.
Before a new feature is released to everyone, it is released to the Alchemist's Council. The members of the Council are then given some time to explore the new feature and put it through its paces. The team collects all the feedback and problems found, and continues to improve the stability of the new feature. They also make adjustments to the presentation and interface as requested by the Council.
This means that the Alchemists can be very influential in determining how a new feature looks, feels, and sometimes works. Be aware, however, that working with features that are not fully functional can be frustrating. It requires extra time and attention. Only join the council if you want to be an active part of the beta testing process!