World Anvil Discord

Restructuring the Codex

We are currently moving articles around and changing the general structure of the Codex. Please come back later if you get lost!

Join the Discord, sync your roles, and participate in the community, conversation, and development of World Anvil!

What is Discord?

Discord is a text chat application with voice chat capabilities. At World Anvil, we use discord for …
  • Helping each other with our worldbuilding
  • Developing World Anvil and have discussions regarding upcoming features, bugs, and ideas
  • Run community competitions
  • Having fun and meeting other worldbuilders!
To make World Building a fun and productive process.
To make sure that World Anvil is built by the community for the community.

Server Roles

When you will first join Discord you will notice that people are separated into different ranks.
Here is a list of these ranks and what they actually mean!  


Freemen are World Anvil users with a free account. This role unlocks several channels that people who are not World Anvil users can't see, such as the worldbuilding and creative channels. If you are a World Anvil user but don't have your Freeman role, make sure to connect your Discord and World Anvil accounts from your account settings!  

Guild members

Guild members are the supporters of World Anvil; we wouldn't exist without them! This is why they get their own colour-coded Discord role (as well as some exclusive channels). If you are a Guild member and didn't get your Discord role, go to your account settings and connect your Discord and World Anvil accounts (make sure that your World Anvil and Discord email addresses are the same!).  

Voluntary Roles

There are several voluntary roles that you can assign to yourself. They are listed in the #info-roles-and-channels channel; just click on the corresponding reaction to the message with the roles and the bot will give the role to you! Keep in mind that these roles are pingable. Ping other people sharing the same passion for world building

Sync your Account!

Synchronizing your World Anvil and Discord accounts will give you access to more channels (and, if you're a Guild member, to the Guild-only spaces too). Check out this video to see how to do it:

How to Sync

1: Login via the browser version of Discord
2: Go to your WA Account Page
3: If your account is already synced disconnect
4: Connect your Discord Account
5: Check discord to see if you have the role!

Revealing hidden channels

Sometimes Discord will hide some channels by default with the purpose of making the experience leaner. To reveal back a hidden channel, click on "Channel & Roles" at the top of the channel list and selct the channels you want to have visible.


Please Login in order to comment!
Feb 19, 2020 18:38

Yeah, but where's the link to the actual Discord server?

Feb 21, 2020 17:32 by Ademal

Right there, in the article. With the Discord widget. It has a connect button.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Apr 15, 2020 16:30

Thanks, that was surprisingly easy to miss!

Apr 15, 2020 19:35 by Ademal

Good to know! I added something a bit eye-catching below it to help people find it. Thanks for the feedback!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Nov 5, 2022 17:04

I might be very stupid and I apologize in advance, but I can't find it. Clicking the discord logo just sends me to Disord's website. Then there's just a list of members online. There is no connect button that I can find. I've checked and re-checked. Help?

Nov 5, 2022 21:57 by Ademal

Try this link and let me know if that works!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
May 7, 2020 06:56 by Nunya Business

I click on the Link, and accept the invite, and when it opens Discord nothing happens, nor does the server show up.

May 7, 2020 18:30 by Ademal

Are you at your max amount of servers? (100)

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Nov 30, 2022 16:42

I have checked prior comments, but there is no "connect" button anywhere on the widget, it just displays currently online people and it is labeled "Voice Chatter"

Jun 22, 2023 01:40

Hmm I can't find a "Connect" option as well, only a voice chat link. Can't really join the discord :/

Jun 22, 2023 20:42 by Ademal

Looks like discord changed their embed widget. No matter, if you click under the widget, or click here you should be set!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 30, 2023 07:42

am new to this and made a lot of work can i share some of it in the server

Jul 30, 2023 15:36 by Ademal

Yes! We only ask that you engage in conversation as you do so. There's plenty of organic opportunities to show off your work through interaction in the server. :)

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Jul 31, 2023 01:20

thank you and i have a entire world with 10 lessons if you want to check that out

Nov 6, 2023 21:54

Hi, I'm new here and am considering joining the Discord. I'd like to know if you can unjoin if you find out it doesnt work for you? or is it permanent?

Nov 6, 2023 22:39 by Ademal

With Discord servers you always reserve the right to right-click the server icon and leave of your own volition, not questions asked or assumptions made. :)

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Nov 6, 2023 23:36

Ok, thanks!

Nov 20, 2023 19:13

Hi, its me again. I joined the Discord, but it wont let me send text messages. Is this because the thing is a voice only thing? I mean, you have to actually talk and not text? Sorry, I've never used one of these before and I'm kinda lost.

Nov 21, 2023 22:36 by Ademal

I poked you on discord as well, but I think that the inability to post was due to you having a new account -- there's a five minute block on posting for brand new accounts to prevent bot swarms. Try now?

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Nov 27, 2023 01:47

Figured it out; stupid user error thats all! thanks for all your help!

Feb 5, 2024 17:48

The discord is telling me that the link is invalid. Has anyone else recently joined?