
Differenciated from the typical mild-mannered Gardinbeaufians, the Gardinhynden are known to be more agressive and rambunctious. They form various gangs and cause trouble, not just for others but for their own kind. Their rowdy behavior helps to perpetuate negative stereotypes about Gardinbeaufians throughout the lands. Despite this fact, the Gardinhynden carry on doing as they please. Many believe they are stronger, larger, meaner, and tougher than the normal Gardinbeaufians. This may well be true, as Gardinhynden make extra efforts to increase their strength and intimidation factor.   Unlike the plainly dressed, farm-dwelling Gardinbeaufians, Gardinhynden often adorn themselves in ornaemental clothing and jewelry, most of which they acquired illegally. They also brand themselves with various symbols representative of their culture. In addition, it is not rare to find a Gardinhynden with several piercings.   Almost every Gardinhynden is a member of some sort of gang, and not all Gardinhynden gangs get along with each other. Many of them have long-standing issues and conflicts.


Common Etiquette rules

Gardinhynden blatantly dismiss all etiquette of Gardinbeaufians and any others they may encounter along the way.


Beauty Ideals

Male and female Gardinhynden equally adorn themselves with the spoils of their labor along with copious tattoos and piercings, making them easy to spot amongst a sea of simple Gardinbeaufians. Still, they are known to go for long periods remaining unkempt and unbathed. It is common for others to make note of their unsavory breath and other odor.

Gender Ideals

Though most Gardinhynden are males, it is not uncommon to find a Female Gardinhynden. Gangs mostly consist of men, but this is mainly because most female Gardinbeaufians choose not to pursue this lifestyle. Even male Gardinbeaufians farmers and other upstanding citizens vastly outnumber the Gardinhynden.

Relationship Ideals

Gardinhynden are known for doing as they please. It is rare to find one who has settled down to start a family or even one that is consistently courting.
Parent ethnicities


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