The Shining Lord

Mighty God, Father, (a.k.a. Lord, God, Father, Creator, Jesus, Christ, Savior)

The Shining Lord is the creator of all things. He fashioned the Earth Realm and The Other Side where He resides. In it are glorious mansions, castles, cities and towns, streets of gold, and the tree of life. He sits upon His throne in the temple of the realm and rules over everything. He is surrounded by a host of angels and beautiful majestic beasts. He also has much wildlife around in His realm. Heavenly choirs sing day and night, and the souls of the lost who trust in Him gather unto Him when they depart from the Earth Realm.

Holy Books & Codes

The author of The Testament of The Shining Lord. The sole inspiration for the Journal of Friar Belfstian

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Divine Classification
Current Location
Date of Birth
immortal, everpresent
Circumstances of Birth
The Shining Lord has always existed; from before the beginning of time.
Circumstances of Death
The Shining Lord will never dies. He is immortal and will live on for all of eternity.
Ruled Locations


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