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When the events of a lifetime are compressed down to almost nothing, each fleeting moment must be savored—drained of every drop of enjoyment it can offer. This is the philosophy that informs the lives and minds of the aetherborn. Given just a few short years – or sometimes only a few months – to live, each aetherborn views time as exceedingly precious. Each moment spent in a way that does not bring delight is a wasted moment. And though aetherborn differ in their drives and pleasures, nearly all of them share this desire to squeeze the most out of the brief time they are given.   Aetherborn come into being spontaneously as part of the aether refinement process. Their bodies and minds are apparently formed out of some interaction between the volatile elements of aether that are removed during refinement and the psychic impressions created by the people involved in the process. But each aetherborn is a unique individual, not a mere copy of some other person’s mind and shape. This race is little understood, and few aetherborn are willing to waste any of their short lives allowing vedalken scholars to study their biological and psychological characteristics.   Aetherborn are a strange living by-product of the process of aether refinement, cast in humanoid form but lacking any of the biological qualities of other races. They don’t eat or sleep, and they don’t reproduce—nor do they have any physical sexual characteristics. Language that categorizes people into male or female categories thus breaks down when it comes to aetherborn. Most aetherborn prefer that others use the pronoun “they” to refer to them, since it doesn’t attribute a gender that they don’t possess. Only a relative few prefer “he” or “she,” having chosen to adopt a gender.   The relationship between aetherborn and the Consulate is complicated. On the one hand, aetherborn understand that their race wouldn’t exist without the Consulate’s aether refining operations, so they feel at least some motivation to ensure that those operations continue to run smoothly. On the other hand, few aetherborn have any patience for the tedious and cumbersome politics and regulations of the Consulate, which gives them at least a little sympathy with renegade philosophy. Typically, aetherborn are drawn to one side or the other more by the lure of excitement and entertainment than by any serious political beliefs.

Basic Information


Aetherborn are bipedal creatures, with skin that is almost like a soft carapace. Within they are made of pure magical energy, which cracks through their skin and shows as they age.

Biological Traits

Aetherborn are tall, thinly built grey creatures, lacking visible mouths and only having two holes for noses. Their eyes glow with aether. As Aetherborn age, their skin will crack open more and more, revealing the raw magic within them, glowing and pulsing with life.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aetherborn are unable to reproduce, and are also genderless. They are born fully mature through the Aetherstorms. Aetherborn do not feel emotions the same way normal sapient creatures do, as they are effectively encapsulated energy, and as a consequence many attempt to feel joy through wanton behaviour, or anything that gives them positive emotional feedback. Some magical spells and rituals, as well as in rare cases certain physical contact, can give an Aetherborn stimulation akin to the physical act of sex, but those who look for magical means often find the price to be far above reasonable levels, though Aetherborn are willing to pay regardless.

Growth Rate & Stages

They come into being as an adult and are given just a few short years, or sometimes only a few months to live.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aetherborn do not have any need for food or water. Vampiric Aetherborn are able to steal life energy to extend their life, but have a need to drain at least some energy every day.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Aetherborn completely lack an individual social structure. Instead, they are offered to be integrated upon birth into the Dragonborn society, and if they refuse, they are provided simple travel gear to aid on their way.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In some horrid cases of history, particularly despicable individuals have drained Aetherborn of their mana for temporary bursts of power.

Facial characteristics

All aetherborn are without mouths, and their nose are but small holes. Their eyes however, are very human; It's easy to see an aetherborn as beautiful, just as easy as it is to see quite an uncannily creepy one.

Average Intelligence

Aetherborn are sapient, often (but not exclusively) with a higher-than-average intelligence, often thanks to their inborn knowledge.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Aetherborn name themselves similarly to the Dragonborn, and often hold descripitve names not unlike a Tiefling's virtue name.

Beauty Ideals

Aetherborn often wear very extravagant clothes that cover up their entire body, because they all look almost the same in physical appearance (though their voices vary). To differentiate faces, some Aetherborn tend to wear intricate masks to give themselves a more personal feel. This can be both to blend in more easily amongst other creatures, but just as well simply be a fashion statement.

Gender Ideals

Aetherborn are all born without a sex. Biologically speaking, they all lack genders. However, because genders are such an entrenched concept in the Malkorian society, Aetherborn often choose their own gender pronouns, though there are those who decide against choosing at all.

Courtship Ideals

Extravagant, daring and/or lavish experiences is what most greatly intrigues the average Aetherborn. It's not unusual to arrange for grand parties to impress one.

Relationship Ideals

Aetherborn are acutely aware of their very rapid mortality. Though many would wish for a longer relationship, few ever look for it. Quick, fast and passionate relationships are often what Aetherborn look for, though they cannot engage in sexual intercourse through normal means.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Aetherborn speak Draconic and Common, mostly, as they are based in Sanctuary.

Common Dress Code

Aetherborn often dress in as extravagant and lavish clothing as they can. Rarely does one see an Aetherborn in armor or in bland colors, but there are always exceptions.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The main creed of an Aetherborn is and has for centuries been "Live fast, die young!", to the point where it's used often as a farewell phrase between Aetherborn. One says the first half, the other the second.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Aetherborn hold the largest parties in the world.

Common Taboos

Well-aware of the vampiric abilities Aetherborn can acquire, the society of the Dragonborn outlawed the ability and imprison Aetherborn who pose a danger to society for the rest of their lives. While it doesn't stop many to search for the means to acquire such an ability anyway, it's nevertheless frowned upon by most other sapient races, as well as a few other Aetherborn. It is worth mentioning, however, that Aetherborn understand far more well when their fellow kin succumbs to temptation, in order to live longer.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Aetherborn hold very good relations with the Dragonborn, and the Sanctuarian society is intricately in need of both races to properly function.
a few years
Average Height
5-6 ft tall
Average Weight
around 100 lbs

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