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A hardy and stalwart race, Dwarvenkind oft come off as stubborn and rude to most. White their outward attitude is definitely abrasive to the uninitiated, dwarves are among the most brotherly and generally nice people you could meet; once you get a few drinks in them of course. Generally found in the rocky and mountainous terrain of the world, dwarves are very in tune with the natural elements of the world. Mining, sculpting, jewelcrafting and smithing are very common amongst the dwarves. It it involves the crafting, refining, or handling of natural ores and jewels in some way, you can safely bet that there's at least one dwarf who's a master at it. While dwarves themselves are highly attuned to certain areas and landscapes, you can find them all matter of places. In the current Cycle, dwarves are about as widespread as mankind, if not as common.

Basic Information


Dwarves are a short race of humanoids, standing on average one and a half feet shorter than the average Human.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves reproduce much in the same way as humans do. Though the gestation period of a Dwarven infant is somewhat longer, being a total of 1 year in length.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves are considered to to young adults by the time they turn fifty, though will often be capable of and expected to contribute to society by the time they are in their mid thirties. Upon their two hundredth birthday they celebrate their middle age. After this their hair begins to turn ashen grey or white, and hair grows at a slower rate. The longest a dwarf lives is somewhere in the mid three hundreds, with an average lifespan being three hundred and fifty.

Ecology and Habitats

The ideal environment for a Dwarf is underground. Dwarves are natural tunnelers and instead of building prefer to carve their homes from the stone itself. Cave ins are rare as a Dawrf is not careless in their excavation, and seem to have an instinctive knowledge of underground weight distribution.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves require one and a half times as much protein as humans, this is less to do with biological needs and more so the strength demands of their cultures and life styles. Civilized Dwarves prefer underground farming and animal husbandry to hunting, as the larger fauna that lives underground is usually equally as viscous and strong as a full grown Dwarf.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarves gather in clans, and each clan lives together on huge strongholds. Some Strongholds can have more than one clan, but usually, one clan leads the stronghold, while the others have moved in.

Facial characteristics

Male dwarves are easily recognized by their usually long and groomed beards. A male dwarf that is clean shaven or has a short beard is usually a criminal, with forced shaving going alongside most punishments.

Average Intelligence

Average. Dwarves wizards are uncommon, as they prefer to delegate these responsibilities to the gnomes and take no interest in the high studies. But the average dwarf is no dumber nor more intelligent than the average human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves are a resiliant people, well suited for a hard life underground. Dwarves are blessed with being able to see in the dark up to sixty feet. The also hold a natural resistance to poisons, and use this ability to great effect when creating and consuming alcohol.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A dwarf’s name is granted by a clan elder, in accordance with tradition. Every proper dwarven name has been used and reused down through the generations. A dwarf’s name belongs to the clan, not to the individual. A dwarf who misuses or brings shame to a clan name is stripped of the name and forbidden by law to use any dwarven name in its place.

Average Technological Level


Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dwarvish & Common

Common Etiquette Rules

Dwarves are slow to make friends, especially with members of other races. However, should one dwarf ever invite someone to drink beer, it would be incredibly impolite in their eyes to refuse. It's inadequate to ask a traveling dwarf for the location of their stronghold or where their clan lives. Dwarves are paranoid with security, and a dwarf will usually refuse to tell any foreigner, even his most trusted friends, where he comes from.

Common Dress Code

The dwarvish dressing is more practical than usual. Given that they rely often on darkvision, to other races their clothes seem drab and lacking color. But dwarves are being of tradition even in clothing, and will always wear what they think is expected to each situation.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Hair is a significant part of Dwarven identity. Hair is considered a sign of strength in Dwarven culture. Long, thick, well-kept hair is a point of pride for both male and female Dwarves alike. Beards are especially important in relation to male Dwarves. The lack of a beard to a male dwarf is an extreme point of shame.   The dwarf alphabet and language are rich, so much that it has been adopted by other races such as the gnomes. Along with elvish, the dwarvish alphabet is strongly used to magical runes. Dwarves histories revolve around war, and their heroes tend to be more heroic figures who gained much in battle. However, the typical dwarf prefers peace. While a terrible foe in battle, dwarves will ponder much before declaring war, as they know they are putting their livelihood at risk in doing so. Many of the cultural heritage of the dwarves remain hidden, as they don't share their most guarded secrets. However, dwarvish knowledge is perhaps the one that most influence the advancement of the world: for the details about metallurgy and manufacturing were essential not only to themselves but served as the basis for other races like the Moogles, Gnomes, and Goblins to advance their industry. It is fair to say that without the dwarves around, Elmincia would be set back in its industrial development by centuries.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Survivors of war are deeply respected in dwarvish societies, and old warriors normally are asked to serve in the government or to train new warriors. To disrespect a retired war veteran is to disrespect the clan itself.

Common Taboos

Greed is a problem among the dwarves, and they know it. On dwarfish societies, it's taboo for dwarves to covet more than they have. This society custom was introduced as law in most societies in order to hinder shameful acts committed in the name of greed. Instead, dwarves are thought from childhood to use their greed in order to achieve great things, but not to steal or hinder others. Calling a dwarf greedy can be one of the worst offenses one can commit, and sometimes is not something one should do if they wish to stay living.


Dwarves were created in the early days by the god Moradin. They used to be faithful and loyal and advanced their craft so that one day they would please their god with the most perfect artisanship in all creation. They intended to make it as a present, to thank the god for their creation. When the gods left, the dwarves were the ones that felt the most bitterness. They felt betrayed and most felt that their purpose in life had ended. Many dwarves grew distrustful after that, and some of their people have closed their doors to the world, preferring to live in absolute safety in their fortress of stone. Nevertheless, due to their sheer numbers and importance on manufacturing and ore gathering, the biggest clans didn't stay hidden for long. Now they worked for themselves and found enjoyment and purpose in the work itself. The dwarves little by little grew renewed interest in their craft and regained their former position as one of the first races.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves have a generally good relationship with most species, in particular with Humans and Orcs, though having warred with them many generations ago. Dwarves and humans have lived together for generations forming great cities which are often considered to be the pinnacle of civilization.
350 years
Average Height
4 - 4 1/2 ft.
Average Weight
150-200 lbs.
Average Physique
Dwarves are a hardy bunch, and are often very stocky and muscled despite their small stature.

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