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Firbolgs are a seclusive race tied to the fey creatures of the forests. They are the protectors of the woods they inhabit and tend to take care for every living being in their domain. They are kind, loyal and selfless, though everything they do they do it for their homeland. They would willingly give their life for the woods they dwell in, since according to them forests are the heart of the world and a monument to all life. Magic comes natural to them since they have strong ties to the fey, maybe even having originated in the Feywild. Since they protect nature and are well-versed in magic, many of them become druids, though Wardens are not rare among them, they are just considered dangerous and are given less important tasks than druids. Whenever a group of strangers enter their domain, Firbolgs study the newcomers to understand what they want from their forest. If it's a simple task, Firbolgs will secretly complete it and give proof of it to the newcomers without showing, such as when rangers follow the trail of a group of goblins and find their heads at their feet after a night rest in the forest. If such a solution is not possible, Firbolgs have two ways: dealing kindly with the strangers, revealing themselves and asking for them to leave their forest, or using magic to make the forest appear decaying or barren, also driving animals away, even sometimes confounding the newcomers so that they will lose themselves and get out of the woods. Their last resort is using violence, and Firbolgs are not to be underestimated: angry Firbolgs will fight with all they have, usually thoroughtly preparing one single devastating attack, employing druids, fighters and wardens to devastate their enemies. Rarely do Firbolgs abandon their forest. This can happen in three very different instances: they were exiled for a severe crime; or their tribe was destroyed and they are the only survivors; lastly, they were tasked by the Council Elders with an important mission that requires them to abandon their homeland. Either way, they are rarely happy to travel away from their woods and usually desire to come back soon, though it's not always the case.

Basic Information


Firbolgs are humanoids, taller and bulkier than humans. Their skin can be either grey or bright pink, and their hair can be red, black, grey or purple.

Biological Traits

Firbolgs don't reach adulthood or full maturity until around the age of 30. The oldest among them have lived up to 500 years. Most firbolgs tend to be anywhere between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh around 240 to 300 pounds. Firbolgs are incredibly strong (both males and females) and they can sometimes be quite bulky. Since they are of fey ancestry, they have naturally pointed ears and their skin tends to be a greyish blue with the exception of their noses -- which are red. They also coats of thick body hair on their forearms, chests, and shins.

Genetics and Reproduction

Firbolgs reproduce sexually, but as to all the other knit picky details it isn't really known. This is due to their secretive nature.

Growth Rate & Stages

Firbolgs tend to reach adulthood at the age of 30.

Ecology and Habitats

Firbolgs can always be found in the forests and wooded areas of the world.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Being humanoids it is assumed that firbolgs are an omnivorous species. This means that they can survive off of both plants and animals.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Firbolgs are heavily in tune with nature and as a result they have quite the knack for druidic magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Firbolgs don't usually use names, they name things based on their uses, habits or deeds. This includes themselves. When they have to deal extensively with other races they let them choose a nickname out of tact and hospitality, but ultimately names are just an alien concept to them.

Common Etiquette Rules

Firbolgs are usually kind and gentle beings, however losing their respect or even angering them will doom an individual, since they hardly forget or forgive any wrongs they suffered. Of course, this is easily achieved just by disrespecting nature.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Since Firbolgs see themselves as caretakers for a forest and all living beings dwelling in it, they tend to act as sheperds, checking that no food goes to waste and no calamity, either natural or "artificial", happens to the forest. They don't understand private property since dividing equally the resources of the forest among its inhabitants is the only way they know to manage material goods.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Firbolgs have a strict code of conduct to respect: it instructs them on how to deal with forest creatures, monsters and other races, and of course how to behave among themselves. No written copy of it exists since they transmit it orally. However, it is very rare for a Firbolg to forget a part of it and actually it is also rare for them to infringe their code.

Common Taboos

Mistreating nature is seen as a crime worth of a capital punishment. Any Firbolg that causes harm to nature will end up exiled if not enslaved by their own kind, whereas a stranger can easily be killed for such a crime.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Firbolgs are a reserved people so usually they avoid contact with other races. Nontheless, the curious Tabaxi know them and since they both tend to defend nature Firbolgs consider these feline humanoids as potential allies. Other than them, other races don't interest them much and they actually dislike Goliaths, since when they can they bend nature to their will.
Firbolgs mature at 30 years and can live up to 500 years.
Average Height
Average Weight
240-300 lbs.
Average Physique
Broad shouldered & muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Greyish blue with red noses

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