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Whether united under the leadership of a mighty warlock or having fought to a standstill after years of conflict, orc and human tribes sometimes form alliances, joining forces into a larger horde to the terror of civilized lands nearby. When these alliances are sealed by marriages, half-orcs are born. Some half-orcs rise to become proud chiefs of orc tribes, their human blood giving them an edge over their full-blooded orc rivals. Some venture into the world to prove their worth among humans and other more civilized races. Many of these become adventurers, achieving greatness for their mighty deeds and notoriety for their barbaric customs and savage fury.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Half-Orcs have a greenish-gray skin tone and range anywhere from 5-7 ft. tall and are considerably more bulkier than humans. They can weigh anywhere from 180-240 lbs. and even though they aren't as big as their orcish kin, they're undeniably distinguishable through prominent orcish facial features. Half-Orcs fully mature at the age of 14 and tend to not live past the age of 75. This rapid aging process is due to their orcish heritage since orcs only live to about the age of 40.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Orcs spend about nine months in the womb before being born, and female half-orcs have the same fertility cycle as female humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

The average lifespan of an orc is a little bit less than a humans. Half-Orcs mature considerably fast at the age of 14 and this causes them to age considerably fast as well, rarely living past the age of 75. This rapid aging rate among the half-orcs is due to their orcish heritage since the average orc only lives to the age of 40.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like all humanoid species, half-orcs are omnivores. This means that they eat a mixture of plants and animals to survive and gain sustenance. Due to their orcish heritage though, many half-orcs tend to consume more meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of half-orcs tends to depend on where they live. If they live among the orcish tribes then half-orcs tend to be either distinguished members of society or slaves. If a half-orc lives among humans then it is more commonly found in the slums of large cities. Very rarely do half-orcs find themselves in prominent roles throughout human civilization.

Facial characteristics

Sloping foreheads, jutting jaw, and tusks

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-orcs usually have names appropriate to the culture in which they were raised. A half-orc who wants to fit in among humans might trade an orc name for a human name. Some half-orcs with human names decide to adopt a guttural orc name because they think it makes them more intimidating.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

You can speak, read, and write Common and Orc. Orc is a harsh, grating language with hard consonants.


The one-eyed god Gruumsh created the orcs, and even those orcs who turn away from his worship can’t fully escape his influence. The same is true of half-orcs, though their human blood moderates the impact of their orcish heritage. Some half-orcs hear the whispers of Gruumsh in their dreams, calling them to unleash the rage that simmers within them. Others feel Gruumsh’s exultation when they join in melee combat—and either exult along with him or shiver with fear and loathing. Half-orcs are not evil by nature, but evil does lurk within them, whether they embrace it or rebel against it.   Beyond the rage of Gruumsh, half-orcs feel emotion powerfully. Rage doesn’t just quicken their pulse, it makes their bodies burn. An insult stings like acid, and sadness saps their strength. But they laugh loudly and heartily, and simple bodily pleasures—feasting, drinking, wrestling, drumming, and wild dancing—fill their hearts with joy. They tend to be short-tempered and sometimes sullen, more inclined to action than contemplation and to fighting than arguing. The most accomplished half-orcs are those with enough self-control to get by in a civilized land.   Half-orcs most often live among orcs. Of the other races, humans are most likely to accept half-orcs, and half-orcs almost always live in human lands when not living among orc tribes. Whether proving themselves among rough barbarian tribes or scrabbling to survive in the slums of larger cities, half-orcs get by on their physical might, their endurance, and the sheer determination they inherit from their human ancestry.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Each half-orc finds a way to gain acceptance from those who hate orcs. Some are reserved, trying not to draw attention to themselves. A few demonstrate piety and good-heartedness as publicly as they can (whether or not such demonstrations are genuine). And some simply try to be so tough that others just avoid them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
75 years
Average Height
5-7 ft.
Average Weight
180-240 lbs.

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