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High Elf

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Elven Gestation period is 2 years (1 year for half elves)

Growth Rate & Stages

Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. A high elf isn't considered an adult until its first century, much like many the other elven species. They do not bother with child and adult names however, in stead mixing up their name when they feel like it, like one would change a clothing style or hair-do.

Dietary Needs and Habits

High Elves are mostly vegetarian, eating a variety of plants from across the world (from their days as an Empire) and cultivating them magically. The rare meats that they eat are usually insects, but some holidays see small game as an option.

Additional Information

Social Structure

High Elves follow a hierarchy and elected leaders in society. Due to their long life spans leaders are often in power for centuries. Though violence against long standing leaders is often rare.

Facial characteristics

Smooth facial features. but cannot grow facial hair.

Average Intelligence

High Elves are said to think and reach faster then most other races and are able to solve problem much faster than most. They are natural skilled in the arts of magic and smithing. Along with stone masonry and are able to learn several different languages.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Excellent hearing and sight, and use magic to improve upon it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The high elves find that names are just as much a part of their appearance as their hair color is. An individual elf will most likely change name at least 3 times during their life, to appeal to however they identify as at that time. Some elves are more flamboyant in this than others, with examples of fashion icons changing their name on a daily basis. It is seen as a social gaffe when addressing someone with an incorrect or outdated name, showing that you are not up to date with the current trends. This is generally less problematic for visitors to the city than for locals, the first usually being forgiven such transgressions.

Beauty Ideals

The ideal beauty of a high elf changes with whatever the current fashion is. Unless one is a local or privy to whatever fashion is "in" at the time, it is hard to know. Long rebound hair brushed and not cut. Some braid their hair and tie it into ponytail to have it out of the way. Wear jewelry with both wearing silver and women wearing jewels.

Gender Ideals

Much like names, gender is pretty fluid among the high elves, with some elves even switching their identification as frequently as once a year. The current fashion does however have gender specific details, often allowing such details to show who identifies as male and who as female (or both).   High Elves care little about gender roles in society since both men and women can do the same thing as the other. But men often let the females to thing that females have always done such as child caring, sowing and cleaning. But in times of war and conflict and females are low in numbers they are often moved to safe places in order to protect them and future generations. Sexuality does not matter in elvish culture and elves can go into same sex marriages and bathe with the one another is common no matter the gender. Revealing clothing does not matter either since it is natural to them and exposed skin will not harm anyone.

Common Dress Code

The dress among high elves is very much determined by whatever is "in" at any point in time. The highest in society are expected to dress according to these dress codes, or risk ridicule and loss of influence. Although this is less of a problem among the scholars and guild masters, many nobles and merchants gain and lose membership in the council purely based on their fashion status and influence.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

High elf culture is very much centred around extravagance, magical prowess and knowledge. Although the monarchy has been abolished, there is still an intricate court system based on heritage and influence in various social circles.

Common Taboos

Magic is consider a sacred tool that should not be abused for it is a natural as everything else in the world. Those who had abused it before became corrupted and became the Dark Elves. Which is why they often have rules and laws from stopping this from happening again. Inner racial breeding is also forbidden, this is usually meant for relationships with other species of elves and consider an act of desecration on their society. Forsaking the gods and worshiping others is another serious crime which can often lead to exile or religious punishment.
Average Height
5”8’ - 6”5’
Average Weight
140 lbs- 170 lbs
Average Physique
Lean and thin

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