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Vedalken have an unusual view of progress. They believe that nothing is perfect, nor can it ever be perfect – and they rejoice in this. Every imperfection is a chance for improvement, and progress is an endless march toward a state of perfection that can never actually be reached. Thus, pointing out imperfection is hardly an insult—which leads vedalken to note flaws and problems with an enthusiasm that members of other races sometimes find exasperating.   This enthusiasm extends to every aspect of vedalken work, both practical and theoretical. They are curious and excitable, and often become deeply engrossed in their labors. It’s not uncommon for a vedalken to spend hours on end caught up in the details of an abstract question or a minute engineering problem. Vedalken can be utterly oblivious to their surroundings while meditating on thorny issues, and they are prone to launching into lengthy explanations of their current research, since most find that talking about a problem often leads to a solution.   As a rule, vedalken are gregarious in conversation. However, they are quite circumspect concerning their personal lives, and they engage more with ideas than with people. They form close friendships based around mutual interests or compelling disagreements, and their interactions focus on their thoughts about those issues rather than their feelings about them. Emotional dynamics don’t particularly interest vedalken, either as a conversational topic or a field of study. When they talk about their feelings, it is primarily to provide information that might be helpful to others. For example, a vedalken might tell her colleagues, “I’m feeling irritated right now, so I might not be reacting appropriately. Perhaps we should continue this later.” But any questions about the cause of the irritation are likely to be brushed off as being irrelevant to the situation.   Most vedalken care far more about invention and inquiry than about politics. They would rather unlock the hidden potential of aether-based devices than dwell on the question of how aether should be distributed to the Consulate’s citizens. For that reason, though vedalken are found both among the officials of the Consulate and among the renegades, their dedication to either cause often lacks the partisan fervor found in the members of other races.

Basic Information


Vedalken are humanoids that come in a variety of blue, teal and purple shades of skin. They are completely hairless and are usually quite tall with darker shades of blue and violet eyes. They lack any external ears, and their noses are typically broad and flat. Some Simic biomancy experiments have produced Vedlken with four arms and gills.

Biological Traits

Vedalken brains have a much less developed sense of emotion. As a result many are seen as very stunted in terms of compassion and while they don't make easy friends, this lack of emotion helps them focus in their line of work. Vedaklen are also partially amphibious, and can absorb water through their skin. They can 'breath' underwater for nearly an hour, but must rest after doing so since it causes quite a strain on ones body.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like humans, Vedalken infants are helpless until about the age of 6 or 7. Unlike humans, they mature at a much slower pace, and don't reach puberty until the age of about 34 and are considered fully grown at age 50. From there, a Vedalken is typically able-bodied until they have reached age 300, where they begin to whither away and die of old age. Vedalken have been known to live for upwards of 500 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Vedalken have been known to live in any part of Ravnica, though they prefer more temperate and humid areas. Many tend to live among the Simic, as that guild has closer ties to the water.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vedalken reproduce as per any ordinary mammal.
Scientific Name
Hyacinthum Hominum
350 years
Average Height
6-7 ft
Average Weight
150 lbs
Average Physique
The tall slender nature of the Vedalken on average makes them weaker than the typical human.

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