Ada and et'Ada

Genesis Abridged

  In the eternal moment before the first light of this universe, a single voice sung out. From this voice, the one became many. These are our ancestors: in the common parlance, Gods, but in their tongue, Ada. It is written in stone older than the first light that there shall be no greater than nine Ada.   These nine Ada are said to have declared their domains at the First Council after fifteen years of anarchy. The Nine are named as follows: Sol, Mercury, Venus, GaiaMars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.    The first creation by any Ada was the creation of the Elves by Sol. She blessed the Elves with her eternity, and bestowed free will upon them.   However, once the noise of raging battle subsided following the First Council, they realised they could still hear the Song of Creation - it was not yet finished.    From this Second Chorus came the many et'Ada. Translated from the lyrics of creation, "et'Ada" means "not our ancestor". These et'Ada differed from the older Ada - they could walk their domains like mortals, and with that came an affinity to the flow of Time - unlike the blindness to time that befell the Ada.    This awareness of the directionality of time came with a heavy price to the et'Ada. They could percieve a feeling not possible for the Ada: loss.    From this feeling of loss came the possibility of greed, jealousy, envy, and ultimately: fear. The et'Ada sealed themselves within their domains for an age. Within their sanctuaries they built fortresses to protect themselves, each in a unique form possible only through the specific aspects they possess.    Once again, the world fell silent. And once again, from this silence the Song of Creation was once again heard. This Final Chorus gave form to the first mortals: Men.   


It has been the subject of countless debates, and a handful of wars, that we don't know exactly if the Ada and et'Ada are superior to Men, or if the opposite is true.