Alastair Thorne

Professor Thorne is a highly respected scholar and practitioner of magic, with a long and distinguished career at the Imperial Mage's College. They are known for their expertise in arcane theory and the use of ancient magical artifacts, and have published numerous papers on these and other topics.
  Before becoming dean, Professor Thorne served as head of the Department of Arcane Studies and sat on the college's council of mages. They are credited with modernizing the curriculum and strengthening the college's ties to the outside world, leading to an increase in enrolment and the establishment of exchange programs with other magical institutions.
  Despite their many accomplishments, Professor Thorne is not without their critics. Some have accused them of being overly focused on tradition and resistant to change, while others have claimed that they are more interested in advancing their own personal interests than those of the college as a whole.
  Regardless of these criticisms, Professor Thorne remains a highly respected and influential figure within the Imperial Mage's College and the post-collapse world.