Arkhangai Launch Facility


Records recovered through arcane means reveal a diary of some kind, left by the Overseer of this facility.   "This is the best I've managed to get from the linguists downstairs: "in the tall hills [mountains maybe?] a jail stands for it [no pronouns] that makes/destroys [no distinction is made between the two, maybe metaphorical?]" - Cmdr. Eun, 2099.05.30"   Some more typed notes are encrypted onto the terminals in the room: 2099.06.15 04:12:33 We finally found it, buried about 20ft below the surface beneath loose limestone rubble. Some of the guys see spade-marks in some of the rocks.   Cmdr. Eun   2099.06.29 19:55:01   Now we're finished with the building of this containment facility, I'd like to petition we start on experimenting with it, and maybe we could see if it interacts with the Tokyo Bay Object, hopefully with less disastrous effects this time.   Dr Bohdan Kadlec   2099.07.14 12:09:49   So glad we managed to get this corporate funding, maybe finally we can complete our task. After sufficient exposure to the Object, our liaison from the USA has been persuaded I think. I really hope the people of the world can see it's Light too. Our team did a great job with the MARS system, obscenely expensive and exactly what the US would love to have.   Dr Bohdan Kadlec   2099.08.01 02:11:44   Section 23 unwittingly delivered us the Tokyo Bay Object from it's holding in London perfectly on time.   Cmdr. Eun   2099.08.01 19:30:05   they fit so perfectly it's almost beautiful i felt as though we had reunited both mother and daughter the commander hasn't seen the emotional and spirituality in it yet I think we're going to show her   Dr Bohdan Kadlec   2099.08.01 19:30:51   no i don't like that im not a doctor no   the learning i did has no use after we complete our work   High Priest Kadlec   2099.08.16 12:00:26   The launch of the Tokyo Bay Object succeeded as planned, it's now in a stable orbit. We should have the launch vehicle for the Arkhangai object in about a months time, should the USA hold up it's end of the deal.   Cmdr. Eun   2099.09.11 06:54:59   Two scientists managed to escape, they had a change of heart it would seem. We've tracked them to Neo-Tokyo, but given the timeline coming up, killing them now would only reduce His consumption, and that upsets me greatly.   Cmdr. Eun   2099.09.12 22:10:44   THE COMMANDER IS WEAK WILLED AND HAS BEEN PUNISHED AS PER HIS COMMAND   SHE WILL BE THE FIRST TO WITNESS HIS HUNGER   I ADMIT I FEEL JEALOUSY   TIED SO CLOSE TO HIM   THE FIRST TO SUCCUMB TO HIM   High Priest Kadlec   2099.09.14 13:10:01   THE WORLD WILL SEE HIS LIGHT TODAY   UNBELIEVERS HAVE ATTACKED THE SOURCE OF OUR FUNDING   THEY DRAW CLOSER   HURRY MY FRIENDS   WE WILL SHOW THEM THE TRUTH   High Priest Kadlec     2099.09.14 22:15:43   THEY ARE HERE   High Priest Kadlec

14th Hearthfire 2099 5E

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