Iserlohn Fortress

Ancient Walls Guard Vampires Old

Iserlohn Fortress stands atop the cliffs of the north western coast between two hills, sharp towers mark the corners of its many walls inlaid among each other. These walls coated in a dark metal mirror, making the structure almost blend in with the hills and trees, it's almost hard to focus on. To the right of the castle on the slopes of one of the hills the castle sits between is a smaller fortress, another residence of some kind that overlooks the open land.   An shallow lake marks the way to the castle, and what was once a paved path leads up to the main gate under an inch or two of water. Two slabs of this reflective surface make up the great doors to the fortress.   When approaching closer a marking is seen on the gate, of metal slightly brighter than it's surroundings, of the Pathfinder Guild sigil.
Taken from Historium Salix by Severa Willow.
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