The Codex of Magic in A dance of orc's and elves | World Anvil
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The Codex of Magic

The Big Black Book

Dear readers I, Valdimus medi Selefim, Master Scholar of the Order welcome you to my codex. I shall keep this brief, as I hate inefficiency, and spending time on my personal thoughts about magic is just that! That said I feel that there are two things I must make clear in this introduction.   First of, I often use the term "he" or "him" when talking about a practitioner of magic. That is not to be taken to mean that women cant preform magical arts! Or that men have a talent for magic that women simply lack. The opposite is at times true. Many women have master the arts far better then most men. I do this because it saves time. If I have to write "he, or she" every time I define a magic arts inner workings said texts would be far longer and frankly rather ugly!   And secondly, there are no such thing as a spell. A magic user don't wave his hand and mutter some words in what? Elvish? How would my people been able to speak if our mere words summoned magical flames or lighting? The singers love of this idea that magic somehow have something to do whit the spoken word is absurd! In reality magic users learn magic arts, that are conducted by the mind.   Tho, at times gestures are part of said art. And in a few cases the use of songs are also used. But this are not magical songs, they simply help a magic user focus their mind noting more!  

Codex Table of Content

The Laws of Magic

  • The Elements of the World - The Foundations of not only magic but our whole universe.
  • The Basis of Magic - The first law of magic. It explains what magic is and where it comes from.
  • The Costs of Power - The second law of magic. It explains how a magic user wield magic.
  • The Flow of Magic - The third and last law of magic. It explains the geography and seasons effect on magic.

Magic Sources and Phenomenon

  • The Science of Alchemy - The science of how one gain magic power whit out the aid of spirits, or demons if you prefer.
  • Djins and Maras - A description of said spirits that roam in nature.
  • Enchanted Items - A description of what enchantment is and how it is used.
(More Coming soon)

Blood Elixirs

  • Blood Elixirs, a summary - A summary of what Blood Elixirs are.
  • Elven Blood Elixir - A description of blood elixir made of elven blood.
  • Goblin Blood Elixir - A description of blood elixir made of goblin blood.
  • Troll Blood Elixir - A description of blood elixir made of troll blood.
  • Dragon Blood Elixir - A description of blood elixir made of dragon blood.
  • Ghoul Blood Elixir - A description of blood elixir made of ghoul blood.
(More Coming soon)

Magic Arts

(More Coming soon)

Elemental Magic

(More Coming soon)
  • Fire Mastery - A description of the magic arts of Fire.
  • Water Mastery - A description of the magic arts of Water.
  • Wind Mastery - A description of the magic arts of Air.
  • Lightning Mastery - A description of the magic arts of Lightning.

Shaman Magic

  • Shamanism - A description of the magic school of spirit magic.
  • Dream Walking - A description of the magic art of walking in the realm of dreams.
  • The Mists - A summery of the mystical realm of dreams. One of the greatest wonders of our world.
  • Mesmerizing - A description of the magic art of mesmerizing another being.
  • Scrying - A description of the magic art of peering into the mist and seeing things that are and might be.
  • Spirit Weaving - A description of the magic art of binding the spirits of the living together.

Druid Magic

(More Coming soon)
  • Healing - A description of the magic art of healing the wounded or sick.
  • Wood Songs - A description of the magic art of forming wood, or other plants, to the will of the magic user. A power all elves are born whit.
  • Whitchshoot - A description of the magic art of making your foes sick whit magic.
  • Flesh songs - A description of the magic art of forming flesh and bone after the will of the magic user.


  • Necromancy - A description of the magic school of death magic.
  • Animation of the Dead - A description of the magic art of turning the dead into a magic users slave.
  • Drain Spirit - A description of the magic art of stealing another living beings life force and spirit.
  • Blackrot - A description of the magic art of the killing touch.
  • Death Weaving - A description of the magic art of binding the spirit of the dying to items, corpses or the living.
(More Coming soon)

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Author's Notes

When there are no more "(More Coming soon)" this codex will be done.

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