Cathy Lanahan

Cathy Lanahan was born to two NASA engineers (Christopher Lanahan and Laura Masters) who worked in the EFD (Earth Frontier Division), her parents inspired her to appreciate the unknown from a young age. Growing up in an engineering environment, Cathy had a sheltered childhood and was socially disconnected. The "upside" of this is she was driven to explore the stars and expand her knowledge of space.   Cathy was deeply impacted by the tragedy of the Space Shuttle Challenger, her parents having died in the explosion.  (What were  a couple of engineers doing on a doomed Space Shuttle?! - JY)   This event drove her to become a Void Engineer pilot, eventually spending most of her life in outer space. She is determined to explore the vast depths of the universe without fear, honoring the courage of her parents.   Cathy's time in space has had a tremendous effect on her. She developed a deep sense of wanderlust, exploring the boundaries of human knowledge and pushing her own limits. She has learned to be independent and self-reliant, relying on her own wits and skills to get her through any situation. She also developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of space, and a determination to keep exploring no matter the danger.   While Cathy is occasionally lonely, and she sometimes thinks of having family and friends, the stars and exploration always draw her back. She is driven by her passion and her determination to make her parents proud. She has grown up to become a confident and capable Void Engineer, pushing the boundaries of human exploration and understanding.   In her 42 years of life Cathy Lanahan has gained a deep understanding of the universe and her place in it, and her courage and skill inspire her colleagues.