Daniel Davidson

Daniel was always a tough and adventurous soul. Growing up in a military family, he was exposed to discipline and structure from a young age. He followed in his father's footsteps and enlisted in the US military, serving as a member of the special forces. Daniel was a natural leader and quickly rose through the ranks, gaining a reputation as a skilled and fearless soldier.   Daniel's motivation and goal in life was always to serve and protect those in need. He thrives in the high-pressure environments of military operations and loves the adrenaline rush that came with it. However, after witnessing the horrors of war during the first Gulf War, in particular a brutal friendly fire incident that killed most of his squad and which he barely survived, Daniel started to question his role in the military and became disillusioned with the government's motives.   Daniel's time in the Gulf War left a lasting impact on him. He witnessed the devastation and destruction caused by war and felt the weight of the lives lost on his shoulders. This experience led him to leave the military and seek a new path. He turned to mercenary work, using his skills to earn a living and travel the world. But even in this line of work, Daniel couldn't escape his "survivors guilt".   During his time as a mercenary, Daniel formed close bonds with his teammates and developed a carefree attitude towards life. He lived life to the fullest, always seeking new adventures and challenges. However, deep down, he still longed for a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This changed when he was approached by the Canadien Secret Intelligence Service.   Joining the Canadien Secret Intelligence Service and leading one of their militarized special ops teams, known as Beta Teams, allowed Daniel to find a new sense of purpose. He was able to use his skills for a greater cause and help save innocent lives.   Through his work with the Canadien Secret Intelligence Service, Daniel learned the importance of loyalty, trust, and teamwork. He also found closure for his past actions and was able to make amends for the lives lost during his time as a mercenary...then he met The Midnight Corp.

A former special forces member of the US military Daniel fought in the first Gulf War and then went into mercenary work for a while before being recruited by the CSIS Beta Teams.

Current Location
Astoria Manor
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