Lisa Stills

Lisa Annette Stills
Born: January 27, 1970
After both her parents perished in seperate accidents where they were driving drunk; Lisa and her older brother Jack, in some ways, felt freed.

No longer forced to endure the endless cycle of their parents abuse and dsyfunction they could at least, fail or succeed, pursue all their dreams, unfettered by the petty jealousy and judgement of their misbegotten progenitors.

When Lisas brother Jack was killed by a drunk driver however she reacted very differently; she spent weeks wandering the Industrial Wastelands of Toronto waiting for something or someone to finally put her out of her misery.

Instead what started out as a "risky" (more like, impossible and likely lethal) vehicle heist changed her life forever when she discovered the suit of Dream Reactive Armour amongst the cargo.

Since then she has vowed to herself and to her dead brother to spend her life chasing all the dreams they ever talked about as kids while they were smoking pot and listening to heavy metal to drown out their parents latest shit-show.

After stealing a suit of Astoria Industries experimental Dream Reactive Armour Lisa overrused it turning her into an Aberrant. While it has given her the power to do good she has desired ever since her brothers death it is also slowly inflicting greater and greater negative side effects (severe Albinism and Photo-sensitivity being the greatest of these as of now); in addition to acute psychological dependency.

Current Location
Astoria Manor
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