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A Deeper Darker Ocean

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Welcome to Bright Falls, a place where secrets sleep, darkness holds power, and no one seems to leave. Built first by coal then by logging, Bright Falls is, in some ways, a completely stereotypical western small town. Everyone knows everyone in some way; the county sheriff serves the role of law enforcement; the lake and surrounding woods are protected by the National Parks Service; and visitors are few. But the town’s idyllic appearance hides a history marked by the bizarre and unexplained: disappearances, deaths, volcanic activity, violent destruction. In truth, Bright Falls is home to an ineffable indomitable darkness able to reshape reality.   Two great battles drove the Dark Presence into slumber, and most of the world has gone on none the wiser. It has been a few years since the Writer silenced the Presence and disappeared into Cauldron Lake. But the Presence is far from dead, and its followers seek to awaken it.   Brought to Bright Falls for many reasons, our heroes find themselves caught in the continual cycle. Will they fall victim to the Dark Presence as so many have, or will they manage to survive?


DDO: The Lost

Call of Cthulhu

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