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Iziz was a massive, walled city and the only modern settlement on the planet Onderon. Ruled by a popular monarchy. The city was well-known for its characteristic wall, as well as heavy cannon placements scattered both along the wall and throughout the city. These were devoted to keeping out the flying beasts that attacked the planet from the nearby moon of Dxun, as well as the more enterprising varieties of Onderon's jungle wildlife that surrounded the city.


Established originally as a colony of Humans pacifists, the city of Iziz quickly expanded as permanent settlements were established on the world. To decrease exposure to the rapacious wildlife that plagued the settlements, the Onderonian people began construction on an immense wall that would circle their entire society. As the years passed, settlements began cropping up around the exterior of this wall. This process would begin a pattern of growth and expansion for the city, leaving it looking much like the cross section of a tree trunk: rings of civilization marking the prosperous years, then encircled by a protective wall, all consistently growing outward. Eventually these interim wall defenses would be cannibalized and used for a new wall further out along the frontier of the city. Iziz would ultimately be left with two major walls dividing it into two sections: Old Iziz as a relatively small district in the center containing the royal palace, the hall of records, Yolahn square and other affluent vestiges of the upper class surrounded by the old wall, and New Iziz, or simply "Iziz", spiraling out from that nucleus and containing all of the other city districts including the Merchant Quarter, the Industrial District, The Southern District and so on... surrounded by the new wall. The powerful Yuantal river bisects the city, crossing through both Old Iziz and Iziz proper, which feeds the city's water supply and is managed by a massive aqueduct system beneath the city streets.
As the citizens of Iziz set to work on this process of fortifying their massive city against the beasts of the jungle, factions began to develop among them, some clans becoming more power-oriented, while others wishing to continue their originally pacifist culture. It was in this time of flux that the Pelti clan rose to power. This family would go on to influence many aspects of government, religion and culture in Iziz, though all from behind a curtain of secrecy and deceit.
Due to the increasing tension between the political ideals of the clans, along with the intense battle with the planets wildlife, a unified government was decided on, establishing the Onderon Royal Family. This family tried to do their best for all of the people under their rulership, but the climate of fear and division left them prone to attacks of a different nature. Fallen Jedi and Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd became shipwrecked on the planet and quickly made his way to Iziz, infiltrating the city and placing himself in a leadership position by 4400 BBY, usurping the throne and signaling the beginning of a long reign of darkness. The dark side theocracy Nadd established would see the living conditions of the city plummet and public health completely erode. Long after Nadd's death, the political party known as the Naddists held the planet in thrall for generations, backed by the opportunistic Pelti clan. At this point a particularly charismatic and intelligent member of the family named Becorum Pelti rose to power. Exiling all political opponents along with the remnants of the clans who wished to pursue a pacifist lifestyle to the jungle and what seemed an inevitable death, the Becorum did not count on these exiles surviving and thriving in the jungle. After taming the beasts of the wilds, the "Beast Rider" society was born. The peacefully inclined exiles quickly became a hardened culture of fighters, learning from the brutality of the jungle, along with the state criminals that were exiled with them. After learning to tame and harness the power of the ferocious beasts that were once so feared, they went on to lead attacks on the walled city, becoming a serious threat to Iziz and the Pelti clan. This began what was called "The Beast Wars", a conflict that would go on for centuries. After Becorum Pelti's death, and with the added pressure of the Beast Rider attacks, the Pelti clan began to falter and lose it's grip on planetary affairs due to in-fighting and lack of a strong leader. The clan would never regain the power they once held and were eventually lost to the sands of time. The Beast Wars lasted until 4000 BBY, with the final battles serving as the opening salvos of the Great Sith War. At this time, the Beast Rider King wed Princess Galia of the Iziz monarchy and peace emerged between the Riders and the citizens of the city.

Political Seat and City Design

Centered around a steep hill, the Iziz Royal Palace was the center point of the city, looking over the city for millennia. The home of the Monarchy of Iziz, the King and Queen presided over the government of Onderon while the Iziz Council dealt with the affairs of the city. Accessed by a sky ramp that bridged the royal residence to Yolahn square, the cities busiest center of trade and commerce, the palace remained inaccessible through any other means.
The Merchant Quarter of the city of Iziz was located at the north eastern gates of the city and contained many locally owned shops and stores which catered to the locals, trading in goods brought from outside the city and those goods produced within. Past the Merchant Quarter was the area known as the Western Square, an area of the city known by a more seedier element, the more clandestine business transactions happening near the starport and business district, but with enough distance from prying eyes to guarantee discretion. It was also the location of the city's power generator.
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