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Kessel was a planet within the Akkadese Maelstrom that hosted spice mines. It was originally known as Xo's Eye while under Xim's empire, and located in the Outer Rim Territories, near Hutt Space and the dangerous celestial bodies of the Maw. It was a prison world, and was home to the galaxy's largest glitterstim spice mining operation. The planet also exported coaxium and Kesselstone. While Kessel's northern hemisphere was devoted to mining, the planet's southern hemisphere was home to lush sanctuaries.   During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire and Pyke Syndicate ran several mining operations that employed slave labor. These slave mining operations were targeted by various underworld and rebel factions. For years, the Pyke Syndicate dealt with spice mined from Kessel, using smugglers and freighter captains to deliver it to the crime families of Coruscant. The Galactic Empire also operated a mining operation, employing numerous slaves, including Wookiees, to harvest spice. Meanwhile, the Yaruba Family of Kessel lived in lush sanctuaries in the planet's southern hemisphere, turning a blind eye to the brutal working conditions in the mines of the northern hemisphere.


Barren wastelands in the North, lush tropics in the South. The North is a rocky wasteland covered in a fine yellowish dust that could almost pass as sand interspersed with natural springs of mineral laden water. The ores peculiar to Kessel cause a greenish, almost turquoise cast to the water. Ancient tombs and ruins, possibly of Sith origin dot the landscape, haunted by skeletal avians. The South is much more metropolitan, absorbing all the wealth generated by the mines in the higher latitudes. Cityscapes are common, lush jungles with exotic animals and many rich wells of natural resources. Society in the South is opulent and pleasrue-centric.

Natural Resources

Glitterstim Spice
Kessel Stone
Owning Organization

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