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Onderonian Political Factions

Onderon as a political state is split between two parties: the Loyalists and the Unification Movement.  
  • The Loyalists are in favor of queen Talia, the planets youngest reigning monarch, who in true Onderonian fashion is wary and resistant to outside influence. The citizens of Onderon still share the scars of being oppressed by the Sith in centuries past, and so many support Talia's defiant stance towards the Empire and it's iron fisted policies. Most of the loyalists are found in the common people and the lower ranking security forces stationed in each city. The beast riders as an organization fundamentally support the queen.
  • The Unification Movement supports General Vaklu, older cousin to the queen and head of the Onderonian military. They feel that the queens policies are seclusionist, and deprive the people of the many benefits that would come with being fully integrated into the Empire. They have a strong showing in those closest to Vaklu: the military police and many of the ranking officials of the government. They take a more agressive tact then the Loyalists do, and so have been gaining influence steadily, especially among the more elite members of society, marooning queen Talia far from her supporters among the working class.
  • Both Rebel and Imperial forces operate covertly on Onderon (especially in the capital city Iziz) as both are vying for political control of the planet. This has destabilized the political climate, leading to the issuance of star port visas and decreased interplanetary traffic. The borders are slowly constricting, closing off any who find themselves on the planet below the blockade.

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