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Session III - "Web Of Intrigue" Report

General Summary

  • On their way to question the political activist Teli, the party is passed by a detachment of guards who are hurrying back towards the Merchant Quarter. Mathos stealthily tails them back to the detainment center where a riot has broken out. The civilian populace, influenced by the off duty imperials fight with the beast riders in Bahima's Tap Haus, along with the rumors of a frame up that Tarsi had spread, has stormed the cell block and is demanding Dhagons release from unjust confinement. Mathos nimbly climbs to a nearby rooftop to keep an eye on the riot.
  • The rest of the party continues to Teli's house. On arriving at Teli's residence in one of the alleys that fracture off of the main road, the group quickly spooks the man through their direct and aggressive line of questioning, and are only able to obtain a few basic answers to the questions they had for him. He does not know anyone by the name Becorum Pelti, though it sounds like an archaic variation of Onderonese, used before Galactic Basic was integrated into the society. The party then heads back to the main road and heads back to meet up with Mathos at the Merchant Quarter.
  • Drakk, leaning into a darker side of himself suggests to Kyuffax that they double back and take a more hard line approach to interrogating Teli. They slip away from the group unnoticed, and Kyuffax blasts through Teli's door, but not before Zin, sensing something is wrong, sends a coded warning message to Teli's home. Being alerted to the danger, Teli makes his way to the roof. Kyuffax rifles through Teli's possesions, finding 3 credits and a few books that seem to be historical accounts of the Onderonians, thinking they may be helpful. Drakk (feeling a subtle pressure and steady beat in his head) gives chase, and after noticing an open window looking out onto the alleyway near the front door, a closed door in the upstairs room and an open window in the back that leads to a fire escape, catches up to Teli at the top of the fire escape. Reaching for his blaster, he feels a pulse of energy move through him, guiding his shot to exactly where he intended, nicking the escaping Teli's foot and knocking him to the ground. Drakk then grapples Teli and asks him why he was running. Teli responds "because you knocked in my door!". In a gambit meant to intimidate Teli, Drakk comms Kyuffax, telling him to go out the front door and catch Teli as Drakk intends to drop Teli from the roof. In the moment that this communicae splits Drakk's attention, Teli is able to activate a piece of transport tech he has on him and vanishes into thin air. Drakk and Kyuffax then make their way, empty handed, back to the Merchant Quarter.
  • The rest of the party, after instruction their contact at the detention block to release the evidence, is able to effect Dhagon's release and disperse the mob peacefully. They catch sight of what appears to be the ranking officer of the detention center. After talking with Dhagon once he is released and arranging transfer of the goods from Kessel, the party gets a clearer picture of Dhagon. He seems to be in it for the money, helping the rebellion because at present they are the highest bidder. He offers his help and connections to the party, as long as there is a few credits to grease the wheels so to speak. He asks the party why they've come to Onderon aside from the delivery, but they return the question with a blank stare. Dhagon then heads back to his med-bay. All but Drakk and Kyuffax return to Bahima's Tap Haus.
  • Kyuffax and Drakk visit Dhagon's medical practice and, under the guise of a stomach ailment, engage him in conversation. They ask a few indirect questions pertaining to their force dream, but he has no answers for them, even suggesting they keep quiet about anything regarding the force if they valued their personal well being. He demonstrates an awareness of the force, mentioning the Jedi, but doesn't let on anything more than that. He then gives Kyuffax a tincture that should help his stomach ailment, specifically Kyuffax's diarrhea, as that is the symptom he chose to mention. the two then head back to the cantina.
  • Inside the cantina the rest of the party orders a few drinks, get varying levels of wasted and chat with Bahima and the locals. Before ordering his drink though, Zin takes a final run at the swoop track for the 5,000 cr. At the tail end of his run, there is an unexpected "bang" from the engine and smoke begins to pour out, obscuring his view. As he quickly exits the swoop bike, he astutely notices a peculiar pattern of carbon scoring on the engine indicative of a small explosive. Back in the cantina, Bahima buys a round of drinks and offers the party a free nights stay at his Inn that is attached to the cantina out of gratitude to the party for their getting Dhagon out of jail and increasing the acclaim of his establishment. Mathos picks a mans pocket and slips the wallet into the drunken Tarsi's belt pouch. Drakk slips the Dhagon's tincture into Tarsi's drink, as well as a few other patrons. Jadran then remembers the hidden door in the lounge and goes to investigate, only to be stopped by Bahima and asked to stay away from what he calls the "secondary exit". Right then Zin notices a cloaked figure that looks similar to the one who slipped out the hidden door earlier in the day. He sends an encrypted message to the figure, who appears to receive it, only to have his line of sight blocked by the conversing Bahima and Jadran. When Zin regains a visual of the figure, they've disappeared. On going over to the seat in the back of the lounge he sees a bundle of clothing on the seat where the figure previously sat. He and Mathos then sneak out the hidden door while Bahima is focused on Jadran and are enveloped in the darkness of the hidden corridor...
Stranded in an Unknown Time...
Report Date
11 Apr 2020

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