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Session IV - "Shadow Speak" Report

General Summary

  • On ducking through the lounge's hidden door, Zin rushes into the alleyway in search of the cloaked figure. Engulfed in the dark of night, he quickly scans his surroundings, only to find the alleyway empty save for a transient that appears to have erected a ramshackle shelter for the night, his legs extending out from the end of the box. After taking a closer look at the shoes and seeing that they are indeed worn and battered, Zin resignedly returns to the cantina. On his way back in he notices a cloak bundled up on the very seat he had seen the mysterious figure at. As he stoops down to pick up the cloak, Tik Tok rushes past him out into the alley way to take a closer look at the man in the cardboard box. Shaking him awake, Tik asks the man if he's seen anybody pass by recently. After giving a non-committal, perhaps slightly intoxicated answer, the man launches into a long winded story about the last time he was on Tatooine. Tik uses the man's preoccupation with the tale to make a scoundrels check of his belongings. He has a few basic tools that would be expected of a street dweller, a rusty fishing pole, a few knick knacks. He also has a small unmarked notebook. Thinking that perhaps it's the man's journal, Tik doesn't take anything and leaves the man to his ramblings. Meanwhile in the cantina, Zin makes a closer inspection of the mysterious cloak. It appears to be a plain, unassuming garment, save for a few hidden pockets on the inside, and a single insignia on its front. It has the appearance of an official seal or perhaps a crest that has symbolic significance. Tik quickly grabs the cloak, cuts down the sleeves and throws the garment over his shoulders, trailing the excess fabric behind him as he goes to pick a few more pockets.
  • Back in the bar, Tarsi is dealing with the effects of both the strong drink the barkeep mixed up for him and the mischievous sense of humour of Drakk, Kyuffax and Zin. After a profound experience in the bathroom and a perplexing message from the force, Tarsi rejoins the group and all gather together in the lounge. Choqa arrives at the cantina after spending the day back at the ship searching the holonet for records of any groups or organizations that they might be familiar with, only to find that everything they had known is gone. Businesses like Czerka Corp, political organizations like the Republic, even religions such as the Jedi have all disappeared to the sands of time. One group in particular with somewhat of an unsavory reputation that Choqa had spent much of his younger years with was also gone. Choqa explained that since they were no longer around, he now felt free to speak with his natural voice (a dialect he picked up from his time with the group) without fear of being associated with their bad reputation. Zin by contrast was being forced to confront his past more directly, forgotten memories surfacing for the first time in many years. This caused him to slip back into his more natural way of speaking as well, though it is perhaps adopting this bit of his past that would lead to jarring experiences soon to come for him.
  • The party starts to break up, some heading for their nights accommodations, while Kyuffax and Drakk head over to talk with the Beast Riders that seem to have made this cantina their regular haunt. After defusing the potentially explosive mistake of wearing his mandalorian helmet as he spoke with the Beast Riders, Drakk asks a few general questions, quickly giving up on any further communication with the group. On the way back to their rooms, Drakk and Kyuffax discuss the significance of two books that Kyuffax had "liberated" from Teli's residence, thinking that they may be of use since they seem to discuss Onderonian history and lore. The party then drifts into a fitful slumber, only to be drawn once more into the spectral world of the force...
  • They come to consciousness at the entrance of Bahima's Tap Haus, however the familiar hustle and bustle of the busy cantina has been replaced by an unearthly quiet...
  • Zin - The stillness is broken by the dark figure of a woman darting across the open archway that opens into the main part of the cantina, and is unrecognized by all but one. A name echoes through Zin's mind, "Veris...", and memories begin to flood in. As he takes a step towards the archway, his vision blurs. When he regains his focus he finds that he is now surrounded by the cold metal of a ship's hallway, closed off at the end by a barred door. The hum of the hyperdrive and the grimy walls streaked with dark red stains cause a shudder to roll through his body. Now another name drifts into his consciousness, this time not that of a person, but of a ship... "The Orsk". With every part of him screaming to turn and run, he slowly walks towards the door in front of him, each step becoming a battle against himself. As he draws closer, he hears voices from the other side of the door, followed by an all too familiar scream. Something inside him snaps, and with a roar of fury and pain he unleashes an explosion on the door. As his rage pours down into the stream of flames, the metal door starts to buckle and lose its shape, melting under the intense heat. While the molten metal begins to pool at his feet slowly revealing what lay on the other side of the door, Zin manages to gain control of the waves of hatred and fear rolling through his mind, burying it all once again deep within his subconscious. A newfound feeling of calm washes over him, and he confidently steps over the remains of the door and into the room, only to find that he is once more in Bahima's Tap Haus. Glancing around, he sees a handful of faces scattered throughout the room, some familiar, some not. He immediately makes his way to the other side of the room to where he sees the figure from earlier. To his dismay, it is not Veris, but instead an old Mirialan woman with blue skin, a somewhat unusual color for the species. The skin has an ashy cast to it, faded, having seen many decades of life. Her garments the simple robes of a traveler, well worn and faded, threadbare in many places. A tangle of unkempt, graying hair surrounds what was the most peculiar thing about this strange figure: her face has no features. There is only a general inclination of where a nose, mouth or eyes would be on her formless visage. Despite this, there are the characteristic tattoos of a Mirialan on her face and neck. Zin leans closer, trying to read her life story as it geometrically unfolds before him. There are the symbols of a long life of seeking, a relationship with the force, a betrayal, many years in solitude, again and again the idea of emptiness surfaces, of not yet being whole, which is strange for someone with so many achievements. As Zin is taking this all in, the face, which had been drifting aimlessly, now abruptly turns its gaze and focuses directly on him. He feels a benevolent consciousness invade his mind, and he is thrust into what feels to be a moment of his near future. A brief moment is visible, and then he is returned to the cantina once more, the woman disappearing before him. ..
  • Jadran – Jadran follows Zin into the main part of the cantina, making a quick examination of the small boxes and bags that litter the room. He finds trinkets and small valuables along with many credits, though they appear old, not the Imperial credits that he has grown used to in this current era. He walks into the lounge to find two figures, one familiar and the other not. Zikko the pazaak player looks up from a table next to him with a smile, while an Onderonian woman in a security force uniform stands at the back of the lounge next to the hidden door. Jadran sits down to play a hand of pazaak with Nikko. When he does however, his vision is transferred over to Nikko's point of view, so that he is now watching himself as the game unfolds. When the last card is dealt, he finds himself restored to his own self, looking on as Nikko thanks him for the game and inviting him back to play anytime. He then walks over to the woman in the back. As he approaches she greets him with a friendly tone, "Hello, how can Onderon be of service today?". Jadran speaks of the tension and trouble he has witnessed in Iziz thus far, and the woman replies in a sad, downtrodden voice, "it is true, there is much pain among my people now, many divisions...". After staring off into space for a brief moment, her face brightens again, "but where are my manners, I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Renala," and with a thoughtful glance, as if remembering something, she puts the cap she's been holding back on her head, "but I suppose while I'm on duty you can call me Capt. Sullio." Jadrans focus now razor sharp, he carefully asks her what she remembers of the last few days. This seems to confuse her though, and after muttering the word "days'' to herself several times she looks back to Jadran and excitedly says, "I discovered something, do you want to see it?". Jadran agrees, and follows her through the hidden door out into a black void. Two planets begin to appear in front of them, the first being Onderon, closely followed by Kessel. As the planets begin to orbit each other, a beam of light arcs out of Onderon and attaches itself to Kessel, connecting the two planets. "I found this!" Sullio says excitedly. "I don’t know how it happened, I mean I'm no one special or anything, but still, I discovered it. If you don't believe me, ask my brother on Kessel, You know him!". Not remembering anyone who might fit the description the young woman is giving him, Jadran begins to despair. "Wait, no, it's your friend, the one with the painted face, he knows my brother, ask him!". With that Jadran blinks and finds himself back inside the cantina with the rest of the group...
  • Kyuffax and Tik Tok – Mysteriously disappear, only to reappear soon thereafter with wounds and bruises covering their bodies...
  • Tarsi – The sleeping Jedi abruptly vanishes as well, transported to a place unknown to the others. He soon returns though, his characteristic absent mindedness unphased...
  • Drakk – The rodian walks into the main part of the cantina to see a woman dressed in regal clothing standing with her arms clasped in front of her, a melancholic expression on her face as she gazed off into the distance. Next to her is a man, also in very distinguished clothing, although with a more military aspect to his appearance, who appears to be yelling at the woman, arguing belligerently with her, though no sound is coming out of his mouth. As he continues his tirade, her expression grows more resigned and dismal. Suddenly, small creatures start to crawl out from under nearby tables and chairs. As Drakk looks closer at these animals, he recognizes them to be miniaturized versions of the many beasts of Onderon and Dxun; Drexls, Bomas and Zakkegs, beasts that are normally 20-30 feet tall. The creatures all scurry towards the woman, who on seeing them is overtaken by a warm smile. She lowers herself and holds out an open hand. The creatures all start to climb into her open palm, and she straightens herself back to standing, the same calm, quiet smile on her face. The man, witnessing this take place, stops his abuse and a look of discomfort comes over his face. He then turns away from the woman and stares in the opposite direction. Having seen these events unfold, Drakk feels himself twisted and pulled, being drawn out and away from the cantina. He also is taken to a place unknown to the rest of the party, to reappear shortly thereafter with a few questions, and perhaps a few answers echoing in his mind...
  • This ethereal drama having unfolded before the party, they feel themselves being drawn out of the cantina, it elongating and Kaleidoscoping before them until all is black, and they one by one open their eyes, once more on the solid ground of reality.
  • After meeting up together in their rooms, some sharing the details of their experience, some remaining quiet about what they did and saw, the group is able to identify "the one with the painted face" as Zin, who had unknowingly picked up something very unique back on Kessel. Liorz had asked the party to make contact with an Imperial who was sympathetic to the Rebellion and serve as info couriers between the two. On arriving at the man's quarters, they find he's been killed and his room tossed. On making a thorough search of the room, two datapads are found: One containing the intelligence that was intended for the Rebels, and the other seemingly the man's personal datapad. On remembering this, Zin takes a closer look at the datapad, finding that it has a hidden partition filled with strange files. Before he has the chance to read any further though, a file catches his eye. It contains nothing but one image and two words. The image is of the crest they saw on the cloak from the previous night. The words read, "Becorum Pelti"...
Stranded in an Unknown Time...
Choqa Ishakee
Report Date
20 Apr 2020

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