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Session VII: "Jungle Ruin Raid" Report

General Summary

  • Zin is wakened by the sound of his alarm being tripped. He, Jadran and Drakk all go to check it out, only to find a couple of drunks from the cantina have stopped to sit in the entranceway of the forge where Zin set the alarm earlier that day. Nothing comes of the encounter.
  • When morning arrives, the group heads outside to gather themselves at the cantina. On the way out, Rosa Marie stops to talk to a man whom Zin and Tik Toc both feel like they recognize. Having transmitted whatever message he needed to, he leaves Rosa Marie and walks back towards the main city. After entering the Cantina, they put things together and realize it was the transient from the alley way behind Bahima's Tap Haus from a few nights ago. Meeting up with Askellan, or "Kell" as he prefers to be called, the group makes plans to enter the jungle, but not before realizing Kell has pulled a fast one on Tarsi and planted a listening device that looked like a credit chip on him the night before. Kell explains that the ruins were originally constructed by the Rakkatans, an ancient civilization that disappeared into history long before the current wave of civilization took root in the galaxy. Since then it has been used by various peoples as a laboratory, a monastery and other such reclusive pursuits.
  • On arriving at the ruins, Kell, seeming to be aware that there are Jedi in the party, uses them to access the main door lock and gain access to the ruins. Once inside, the party sees three doors...
  • Middle front door: Empty save for a pedestal and a door frame made of stone. The entire room is made of stone, though the back wall and doorframe seem to be made out of a different type of stone then the rest. There is a riddle fashioned on to the door frame that says - "From light comes the shadows, In the shadows you find the path forward..."
  • Left Door: Trapped with some sort of light bow weapon. It seems that some many years ago had used this room as a makeshift dwelling. There is an ancient looking bedroll, a few basic possessions, a lightsaber disguised as a cane, a chained lightsaber, some journals, a ruined fire pit and a non operative droid. Jadran scans through the journals and it would seem that a Jedi Sentinel who was stationed in Iziz following the overthrow of Freedon Nadds sith regime on the planet had lived here in these ruins during his stay. Leaving any further reading to a later time, Jadran continued his search of the ruins. Tic Tok attempts to repair the droid, which seems to be missing a powercell. Using an ad hoc battery unit fashioned from a fusion cutter and a few other odds and ends, the droid whirs to life. Looking down, it's first words are "oh, why hello there master Tic T...", then suffering an overload and ceasing operation. Zin pulls the droids memory unit. In the interior of the room, on the side of the doorway, Drakk notices several letters carved into the stone wall: DU CI KK...
  • Right Door: A room that noone seems to remember spending time in, though it certainly seems they enter and spend time there.On the outside of the room, scrawled next to the door is "Don't forget" followed by a long series of tally marks. Kyuffax enters, and returns in what seems like an instant to him, with a stone in his hands and wetness up to his elbows as if he's reached into a pool of water in the room. Zin and Tic Tok enter the room a time or two, eventually coming out with two objects. Zin is holding a gemstone, perfectly cut and polished, that seems to be made for refracting light. It fits perfectly in the pedestal of the room that has the stone door frame. Tic has a small metal box that has a screen and a red button. Ornamental gold overlay decorates the box. Zin recognizes it as a Rakkatan device of great and terrible power. Tic pushes the button, and the image of a child appears on the screen. Suddenly his hands feel very clumsy. Pushing the button again, an image of a book appears and he feels a rush of wisdom flow through his mind. Rosa marie then wrestles the box away from him and a scuffle ensues. Eventually the party is able to use the gemstone along with refracted light to activate some kind of unique, semi-permeable nature in the stone work of the back wall of the room. The shadow cast by the door frame becomes traversible, perhaps the mineral phasing out of the current dimension, revealing in the darkness another room filled with unique items of questionable nature...
  • The party grabs what they can from the room, but Kell seems interested solely in a stone dagger blade that is part of a statue in the middle of the room. He breaks it off and slips it into his pack.
  • Heading back to the city, the party grows more and more suspicious of Kell's intent. As they reach the outskirts of City's End, they question him about the blade. He replies that his homeworld of Agamar has many collectors that would pay a high price for it. Though he seems genuine, it feels as if he might be leaving something out. The party then tries to kidnapp him, Zin firing a tranqulizer at Kell. Kell dodges it and sprints aay from the group. Everyone gives chase, Drakk tries to grapple him (then taking a hit from Kell's blaster), Jadran uses the force to restrain him and Tarsi unleashes a wall of light. the civilians in the area run for cover, save for two that are just a bit further in the direction Kell had been running. The party hasn't seemed to notice them as of yet...
Stranded in an Unknown Time...
Choqa Ishakee
Report Date
19 May 2020

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