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Zin Chivo

Scout captain Zin Chivo (a.k.a. Forseer)

Zin lost his mother at a young age, her name was zelfine. She died of an illness during a time poverty brought on during the war between mandalore and mirial. He was brought up by his father Baz. Baz was resourceful, and a soldier a high ranking scout/operative, always obliged to help others in need even at his own personal cost he considered it rewarding, not long before zelfine passed they took in Choqa ishakee an orphan who lost his parents at a young age, choqa and zin became inseparable friends getting into and out of trouble and shenanigans regularly, growing up he recieved recieved training from Baz who trained Him in the arts he knew, zin picked up on the scouting techniques his father taught, learning how to navigate his surroundings, surviving the wilds and despite the mirialan tendency to avoid reliance on technology zin gained an appreciation for the help that it could offer, even believing that perhaps it is the will of the force for some to have an aptitude for its use, maybe even that by wielding tech that it was an extension of the force. Zin believes strongly in the force firm in his conviction that his fate is guided by it and that it is his job to do good to ensure that of the fate selected for him is a good fate, it was his mother zelfine that passed on her belief to zin and for but a short time to choqa as well. Zelfine knew choqa's parents and served with them at the local temple where they would learn about the force and how it affects the fates, choqa would go and learn. In their teenage years zin and choqa remained good friends but they knew that they would serve in different ways, the group of young adults they spent time with, zin would feel a strong connection with the ones interested in joining the war efforts and choqa would connect more with those involved in the smuggling of supplies, both aspects being equally important to the success of the war. Zin felt lonely when he first joined the academy, though he communicated with his friends and he joined under his father, and there he met the serious side of his father, he would receive no special treatment from his father, as soon as they got to the academy his father became his commander and drill Sargent, and most at those facilities would readily agree that he was the toughest on his son, while this created a bit of a rift between his father he would come to realize throughout the war later on that his treatment would help him to deal with the things he was to go through. But it was difficult at the time, he felt isolated and that is where he met his true strengths, his training as a child served him well and he handled the solitude gained new strengths under trying times and graduated top class, though no special honors his father made sure he was under rewarded.(he would find later on that this was a lesson from his father, that the best reward for helping others that serving was it's own gift, [but that is something to be played out in game]) he was joined with a platoon specifically picked by his father (zin thought that this was so he could keep an eye on him) [but the truth was Baz hand picked them because they were the best, and he knew his son would have a better chance surviving with good people around him] the platoon. Would come to be called the onularis squad (the onularis is a flea like creature that comes from trandosia it finds nerve centers and parylizes its victim) the squad had much the same effect, they were utilized to disrupt key operations of the mandalorians. This helped their efforts greatly, but it made them essential targets of the mandalorian forces. The main platoon. Was comprised of 6 members: sev, faalrith, veris, deln and vorrik, zin being the highest ranking. Zin of course using his scouting prowess to lead the squad, though being adept with tech capabilities left most tech handling to   sev, who was an artist with technology, while having the strength from physical training at his academy, his nimble dextrous hands and could throw together improvised tech on the fly, so quick that it was difficult to keep track of his hands, he liked to toy with illusion often using sleight of hand with a sabaak deck.   Faalrith was the only one in the squad that was a actually not mirialan, he was devaronian by birth but his entire life was spent on mirial, he could use the force and was trained by his adoptive parents to utilize it for good, his devaronian blood of course giving him his strength and anger management issues his upbringing helped him to manage and focus the angers he had and was the muscle of the group, his anger being aimed at the injustice of the mandalorians he was actually quite pleasant, and cared greatly for the squad he called his family.   Veris was beautiful as she was deadly, training with mirialan monks in her young age she was tough and strong, but her acrobatic prowess made her a force to recon, her monk training gave her a stronger mind than most, she could read people and situations zin relied heavily on her sound reason, and calculated input, he could never pin down if it was these qualities or their close proximity but he grew to care for her greatly, (too much) as a soldier he had feelings for her that he was trained not to act on, and he didn't though had regrets that he never told her, though he was pretty sure she knew, her incite was scary.   Deln and vorrik were brothers, both good soldiers, great fighters they had the squads back, both jokers they brought a good dose of humor to the squad, though they didn't like to get into deep talk or feelings preffering to pull elaborate (well orchestrated) pranks, they had large hearts they did talk about looking forward to getting back to farming after the war, that was their families trade, and they had grand plans. Though the squad would joke often that they would probably end up burning down each others land in some prank gone awry.   Zin was a bit distrusting at first thinking that they were a tool of his father's, to keep an eye on him. But quickly found they were the best team he could have had. And they quickly became a cohesive unit, and close family.   Their loss was devastating, faalrith was lost during a raid on a sizable fortress, not a decision of their own, they were ordered in and he was lost covering retreat along with 6 other soldiers.   The rest of the team was lost all in one battle, after the unit had gained a price on their heads from the mandalorians, they had been instructing a garrison on a smaller moon of a planet along the disputed trade routes. General findel sarrisk led the charge, and obliterated the outpost and all in it, his unit was separated, he watched the brothers be burned in a barrage from orbit, while deafened by the explosions the comm array that sev was working out of was destroyed from a tank round sev surely perished. He never did see or hear what happened to veris, but no rescue ops took place and the moon was claimed by mandalore.   Zin was captured and spent 8 months on the dungeon ship orsk, tortured and broken he was eventually rescued by an operation his father put together.

Zin chivo scout captain

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light side neutral
black with fair amounts of gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light forest green

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