Amos Stark

Name: Amos   House: Stark   Titles: Lord (Northern honorific, Noble, son of a Lord)   Father: Lord Eddric Stark   Mother: Lady Maelis Stark Tallhart   Spouse: Sylva Whitefort   Children: Jonrick Stark   Religion: The Old Gods       Biography     Childhood   Amos Stark, born as the second son of Lord Eddric Stark and Lady Maelis Stark, spent his formative years within and around the storied halls of Winterfell. Growing up in the shadow of his elder brother Harlan, the heir to Winterfell, Amos's early life was shaped by the rich history and traditions of House Stark. His parents ensured he received a comprehensive education, encompassing both martial training and a deep appreciation for scholarly pursuits.   Guided by the North's ethos of adaptability, Amos's upbringing fostered his natural curiosity and sense of exploration. He embraced a wide range of interests, from swordplay to literature, allowing his passions to flourish.     Adulthood   As Amos entered adulthood, it became evident that his path lay in roles beyond the traditional realm of heirs. Drawing inspiration from his father's wisdom and his own sense of adventure, Amos found his calling as a diplomat and cultural emissary. Recognizing his talent for fostering connections his brother Lord Harlan Stark entrusted Amos with the crucial task of representing House Stark in diplomatic endeavors.   Amos's journeys took him to various corners of Westeros, where he engaged in cultural exchanges, negotiated alliances, and built bridges between House Stark and other noble houses. His open-minded approach and genuine interest in the people and customs of different regions allowed him to navigate the intricate web of politics with finesse.   Amos's personal life also saw its share of complexities. Amidst his diplomatic responsibilities, he formed a deep and meaningful connection with a woman named Sylva Whitefort, a noblewoman from a minor house in the North, but with a mother tied to a powerful family. Their relationship, although secret at first, became a source of solace and companionship for both Amos and Sylva. When Amos discovered that Sylva was expecting a child he immediately approached and begged her father for her hand in marriage. Although quite disappointed in the reality of their pre-marital relations, her father quickly gave in, giving the couple his blessing. When Amos's brother Lord Harlan Stark learned of this, he was quite mad at first. As there was nothing else that could be done, however, he has slowly accepted his brother's relationship and actions in the eyes of the Gods.   From their union, a son named Jonrick Stark was born. Despite the unconventional nature of their relationship, Amos has remained a devoted father to Jonrick, providing guidance and support as often as possible as the boy grows up, as well as a devoted husband to Sylva.   In the present day, Amos Stark stands as a pivotal figure in House Stark's diplomatic efforts. His natural charisma, cultural understanding, and willingness to embrace change have made him a sought-after emissary. While he may not inherit Winterfell's seat, Amos's legacy will be measured by the strength of House Stark's relationships and alliances.     Appearance   Amos Stark possesses a distinctive presence that speaks of his Northman lineage and the experiences that have shaped him. Though he may not inherit the mantle of lordship, his countenance carries the weight of responsibility and the wisdom of one who has traversed both the grand halls of Winterfell and the wider realms of Westeros.   In his early 40's, Amos stands at an average height, his frame a testament to the hardiness and resilience of the North. Despite the years, he retains a sense of vigor that echoes his noble upbringing, a reminder of his family's enduring legacy. His form is marked by a subtle strength, reflective of his prowess both on the battlefield and in the halls of diplomacy.   Amos's features are chiseled and weathered, a testament to the Northern winters and the journeys he has undertaken. His long face is adorned with a well-kept beard, the reddish-brown hue a reflection of House Stark's signature coloring. His eyes, a shade of deep blue reminiscent of the Northern skies, hold a mixture of insight and determination, a glimpse into the depths of his character.   His attire blends practicality with a touch of nobility, a reflection of his dual roles as a diplomat and a member of House Stark. Stark grey and dark furs are his preferred choices, allowing him to move seamlessly between the halls of power and the more rugged settings he encounters during his diplomatic missions.


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