
Name: Aros   House: N/A   Age: 17   Titles:   Father: N/A   Mother: N/A   Spouse: None   Religion: Many Faced God, R'hllor       Biography     Childhood   Born in Braavos, one of the nine Free Cities in Essos, Aros's upbringing is mostly unknown. At some point during his childhood he caught the attention of the Faceless Men. In an extremely rare occurance, they decided to take him in and teach him their ways. For the past several years he has walked their halls and served their god.     Present Day   For unknown reasons Aros decided to leave the Faceless Men, taking the skills he learned there with him. He boarded a ship bound for Whiteharbor in Westeros, along with a group of Red Preistesses.     Appearance   Aros stands at 5'11" tall, slim, athletic, and fit. He has curly brown unkempt hair and a tan skin color common to those from Braavos. He can, however, choose to look like almost anyone he wants while using skills he learned from the Faceless Men.     Equipment   Cloak   Traveling Clothes   Dagger(s)     Skills   Low tier Faceless Men skills (face, disguise, voice mimicry)   Low tier Red God abilities (favored     Creatures & Companions


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