
Name: Cera   House: N/A (Lowborn)   Titles:   Age: 20   Father:   Mother:   Spouse: None   Children: Calon Snow   Religion: The Old Gods       Biography     Childhood   Cera was born in Winter Town outside of Winterfell towards the end of the last Winter 20 years ago. The daughter of a hunter/trapper, she spent much of her time assisting her father with game, helping him in the Wolfswood. Once home she would help her mother prepare and preserve the game that her father hunted, selling off the excess and pelts so the family would have money to buy the other supplies they needed. She has always been a very loving and supportive girl who genuinely enjoys helping her family.     Adulthood   At the age of 16 she encountered Robert Stark. From the moment they locked eyes they did everything they could to spend time together. It was discovered a couple of short months later that Cera was expecting a child. The soon-to-be parents decided that it was best to keep their baby and relationship a secret from the world for the time being. Cera gave birth to their son Calon Snow, a happy and healthy boy who inherited the best of his parents.     Apperance   Cera is somewhat average in stature, standing at 5'5" tall without her boots. She has pale skin and light blue/grey eyes. Her hair is long and dark, often falling loosely around her shoulders and neck or in a messy bun. She's rather busty with wide hips, an extremely attractive figure, and full lips. Coupled with her natural beauty, many have tried to pursue her hand in marriage.


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