Lady Elara Stark Forrester

Name: Elara   House: Stark (Forrester)   Titles: Lady of Winterfell   Age: mid/late 40's   Father: Lord Brynden Forrester   Mother: Lady Elys Forrester Glover   Spouse: Lord Harlan Stark   Children: Robert Stark, Lyria Stark, Cedric Stark   Religion: The Old Gods       Biography     Childhood   Elara Forrester, born and raised in the heart of Ironrath, grew up within the strong walls of House Forrester's ancestral seat. The Forresters, known for their loyalty and resilience, instilled in her the values of duty, honor, and perseverance. Elara's childhood was marked by her close friendship with her cousin Alys Forrester, with whom she shared adventures and secrets with in the forests surrounding Ironrath.   Elara received an education that emphasized the history and traditions of House Forrester and the North, as well as the skills necessary to manage a noble household. She developed a passion for storytelling, often listening to the tales of her grandfather, Lord Garred Forrester, who regaled her with accounts of their family's history. During her time at Ironrath, she formed a deep bond with Maester Lucan, who nurtured her curiosity about the world beyond the walls.   Adulthood   Ellara's union with Lord Harlan Stark of Winterfell marked the merging of two noble houses. The marriage was blessed with three children: Robert, Lyria, and Cedric. As a mother, Ellara's unwavering love and guidance shaped her children's characters, instilling in them the values she held dear.     Ellara has played a pivotal role in bridging House Forrester's traditions with those of House Stark. Her insights and understanding of both houses' strengths allowed her to provide invaluable advice to her husband, Lord Harlan Stark. Her knowledge of Ironwood, a rare resource the North prizes, facilitated trade and cooperation.     Ambitions, Desires, and Secrets     Ambitions   Ellara's long-term ambition is to see her family and House Stark prosper, maintaining their position as defenders of the North. She envisions a future where the Starks and Forresters stand united, working together to ensure the safety and prosperity of their people. She would also like to see the extinction of House Whitehill, the rivals of House Forrester.     Desires   In the short term, Ellara desires to see her children find happiness and forge strong bonds with their Northern heritage. She longs for peaceful times in the North, where her family can enjoy moments of tranquility amidst the challenges of ruling.       Appearance     Lady Ellara Stark possesses the classic Northern features, with long chestnut hair flowing down her back and pale blue eyes that elude both strength and wisdom. Standing at an elegant 5 feet and 6 inches, she carries herself with grace and confidence, a testament to her noble upbringing.   In her youth she was a known by many as pretty, and any who see her in person quickly realize that she still retains this. Now as she approaches middle-age her hair has grown to possess streaks of white and silver. Age lines can be spotted along her face but have only contributed to her matured beauty.   Her attire often incorporates elements of Ironwood, such as a pendant carved from its wood, and is adorned with simple yet elegant designs that reflect her dual heritage. Ellara's warm smile and approachable demeanor make her a respected and beloved figure among the people of Winterfell, as well as a symbol of unity between House Stark and House Forrester.


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