Princess Arienne Martell

Name: Arienne
  House: Martell
  Age: 1
  Titles: Princess
  Father: Prince Morian Martell
  Mother: Princess Lyanna Martell Lannister
  Spouse: None
  Children: None
  Religion: The Faith of the Seven
  Princess Arienne Martell is the cherished younger sister of Prince Nymor Martell. From the moment of her birth, she brought joy and laughter to the halls of her Dornish home, adding another bright star to the constellation of their family. As siblings, Nymor and Arienne share a bond that is filled with love, playfulness, and the promise of a lifelong friendship.
  Even at her young age of 1, Arienne's curiosity is evident in her wide-eyed wonder as she explores her surroundings.
  Arienne's relationship with her parents is marked by tenderness and care. Her mother, Lady Lyanna, delights in nurturing her daughter's spirit, while her father, Prince Martyn, sets an example of strength and honor for her to follow. Even at this young age, Arienne's bright spirit and charisma have started to make an impression on those around her.
  Princess Arienne's days are filled with adventures alongside her older brother, Nymor. They explore the gardens of their Dornish residence, chase butterflies, and play. Their bond is marked by shared laughter and the unbreakable connection that only siblings can share.
  Ambitions and Desires
  Ambitions: Though she is only 1 year old, the hopes of her parents and family are that Arienne will grow up to embody the ideals of unity, cooperation, and pride. They envision her as a symbol of the ties that bind their noble land, fostering a future of understanding and harmony. They hope that one day she rises to become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
  At her tender age, Arienne's desires are simple and innocent. She finds joy in spending time with her family, discovering new corners of her world, and embracing the laughter and love that surrounds her. Her heart is filled with the wonder of discovery and the warmth of familial affection.
  Princess Arienne Martell possesses a natural charm that is impossible to resist. Her hair, a soft shade of brown, often frames her cherubic face in playful dark curls. Her eyes, one a brilliant emerald green and the other a dark warm brown, hold the spark of childhood curiosity and innocence. At her young age, she carries herself with an unconstrained energy, embracing the world with open arms.
  Arienne's attire is comfortable and suited for exploration, allowing her to move freely as she embarks on her small adventures. Her demeanor is marked by a carefree spirit and an infectious joy that spreads to those around her. Even as a young princess, she is already capturing hearts and inspiring smiles wherever she goes.


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