
Name: Rebel   Age:   Bonded with: Robert Stark     Rebel is a young direwolf that is bonded to Robert Stark. A large grey direwolf possessing black stripes and pale red eyes, Rebel is truly a terriyfing and awe-inspiring sight to behold. Standing about 4' tall and a just about 6' long, Rebel is already larger than the largest grey wolves that can be commonly found in the North. A fast growing and highly intelligent species, Direwolves are also exceedingly tough to train, bending their will only to the strongest individuals. Direwolves are magical creatures and their lifespan is no exception. Most maesters believe that Direwolves can live over 60 years if they don't meet a grisly end at the hands of a hunting party. Some also believe that members of House Stark can form a special, almost magical connection with Direwoles. They are a symbol of the North and of House Stark itself.


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