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A City's Decay...

Sitting in an arid plain, stands what was once a major tourist attraction for the world. It's original founding name had long been lost to time and during it's prime was known simply as The City of Flowers.   It was so nicknamed due to it's grand gardens and majestic fountains, buildings designed to either mimic the shape of planet-life, be painted in murals depicting said plant-life, or be covered with planters to facilitate their growth. Even it's skyline, when seen at a distance, mimicked the shape of a giant flower.
Along it's streets were many options for visitors to entertain themselves, from theaters, nightclubs, art galleries, AR/VR experiences and so on. Food and drink were not in short supply either, with famous cuisine from all over the world available to eat.   But all good things eventually come to an end.   The land started to dry out due to natural shifts in climate, the resulting decrease in the availability of water made it more and more difficult to maintain the very things that was the cities signature feature. Visitors became fewer and fewer and even residents started moving out for new opportunities elsewhere.   Realizing their city was dying, but unwilling to abandon it, the leadership started taking more and more drastic measures to keep things going, to keep some semblance of their once proud city going. They ultimately turned to AR/VR tech and heavy indoctrination through said tech, slowly convincing the population that remained to always wear the equipment, to always see a false version of their city. By the time this process was complete, they were already working on solving another problem: their food supply. To solve this, they resorted to the greats of taboos: cannibalism.
Those that were deemed 'unsuitable' to work either due to mental or physical disabilities were 'converted' into livestock: lobotomized and confined to mobile chairs, their only 'job' to eat and get fat. Residents that saw them only saw them as cattle due to AR/VR helmets they now always wore, thus were ignorant to the truth.
Shortly after another measure had to be taken: the subjection of women into being only breeders. These poor souls were forced to be constantly pregnant to ensure the abled-bodied population remained at a healthy size and converted into livestock once they were able to bear any more children. The semen was easily supplied thanks to the men being convinced to use sex dolls/robots to satisfy their base urges, said devices designed to collect, freeze and ship it to the breeding facilities for future use.   By then, the leadership had convinced themselves that the world beyond the city walls was dead and the few stragglers that occasionally entered their city would not be so easily convinced of their methods of survival, thus had programmed their security robots to chase out or kill any such intruders.   Time passed and the system the leadership had set up seemed to be working well, until a new problem came up that wasn't so easily solved. More and more of their populous were being born deformed due to inbreeding. While the those that were the most deformed were converted into livestock and minor deformities could be 'disguised' via AR/VR, their abled bodied population was shrinking by the year. This forced them to start 'closing off' parts of the city, to ensure the 'illusion' could be maintained, but they knew this would not be enough: another change had to be made.
  They knew stragglers/explorers from the outside world still came to their city and so they adjusted the programing of their security robots to not kill, but capture. Any intruder unlucky enough to be caught would forced into the breeding facilities to provide their genetic material, to delay the genetic decay of the population.   Deep in their hearts, the leadership knew this was only a temporary solution, but they stubbornly refuse to give up on their city....
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