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Color scheme: Black and dark grey with silver accents. Accents limited to shoulders, thighs, head and (Karmaverse only) wings.
Optics: Fuzzy cherry red irises', with black Scalia and white pupils.
Body type: Slender and tall. Wings are fairly broad for his class, almost butterfly wing shaped. Has simple claws on both hands.
Other details: Usually carries his swords on his hips, but sometimes he stores them on his back. Wears his Wrecker insignia on his chest.  


General Skills

Master in both hand-to-hand and duel wielding swords. Observant and tactical minded.  

Unique Skills

Has learned to use the sensitive sensors on his wings as a form of 'radar' when on the ground by paying attention to the slightest of changes in air current, making it very hard for anyone to sneak up on him in many situations.
Also has what he has dubbed a 'sonic screech', which enables him to briefly stun opponents very close and in front of him, however it comes at the cost of losing the ability to speak for a few breems (hours).


When in a starvation state, his spark as the ability to gain sustenance from other sources of energy aside from Energon, even going as far as to start draining what latent energy there is in physical matter in especially desperate situations to keep him alive. This means that so long as there is as some kind of energy source to draw from and no direct damage is done to his spark he could be considered a rare, 'immortal' spark in a technical sense, provided his spark doesn't have a natural 'expiration date'.
This sigma has an 'active' mode as well, where Ebonscream can consciously draw energy from anything, which includes living beings. Thankfully, he has a limit on how much he can consciously draw out, so it is only in the most extreme cases where he has the chance to outright kill someone doing this.
  Note: in the Astral Aligned Continuity, Ebonscream perishes before he even learns that he has a sigma. In the Karmaverse Continuity, however, he is aware of he has a sigma, but (currently) has not worked out it's nature just yet.  


Ebonscream at first glance, comes off as a serious individual in times of business and a sarcastic and sassy one in times of calm, and quick to aid those in need.
He is a logical and strategic thinker, preferring to solve problems without resorting to violence. If violence is inevitable, he does his best to ensure causalities are at a minimum, even for the enemy. His reluctance to kill stems from his belief that every spark is precious and fuels his drive to try to reform those in the wrong, rather than simply killing them, so normally will only kill as a last resort.
  Normally very calm and collected, but in the rare cases where he loses his temper he can become very violent and briefly forget his sense of morals. While his behavior during these spells appear to be out of anger, in most cases it is actually due to fear. A fear based from an unresolved trauma he suffered in his youth, which in turn, resulting in him wanting to control and account for as much around him as possible. He subconsciously recognizes, however, that he cannot control everything, so he dances a delicate balance of allowing others around him freedom, while ensuring he feels safe. This sense of safety often extends into ensuring those he cares about are safe as well.
  This high sense of responsibility he places upon himself often threatens to overwhelm and ultimately break his mental wellbeing. While quick to ask others about their own problems, he is extremely reluctant to talk about this own due to the shame of the trauma he faced in his past. Thus, when he is feeling overwhelmed, he becomes withdrawn and quiet, preferring to hide away in his quarters or to take long 'walks' if there is nothing going on to distract himself with. In extreme cases, he may start performing acts of self-harm.
  In matters of intimacy, he initially comes of as completely disinterested in the act or any form of outright affection. However, this is, again, due to the trauma he suffered: he truth he badly wants a relationship and have a family (in Continuities where that's applicable), but shame and fear kept that side of himself locked away until he finally got the help he needed.
  Even when 'unlocked', however, he is more of a 'slow burn' type when it comes to relationships. This is likely due to both his inexperience in such matters and the lingering effects of his past trauma. Once a relationship is in full swing, he is openly affectionate toward his chosen partner (when appropriate: he is a aware of the 'time and place' principle).    




The Wreckers

As a founding member and part of the senior Council, Ebonscream considers all his Wreckers family. A dysfunctional one, but family none-the-less and he will fight to protect every single one of them he if can. That said, he has formed closer bonds with certain members.
Ebonscream has an...unusual relationship with the grouchy mech. On the surface he appears to love teasing and taunting the mech to the point of being literally chased out of the camp by him. In truth, he deeply respects Kup and sees him as a mentor, a father figure even, as he was the first bot to extend a hand in genuine comfort and compassion after his encounter with Requiem, though Kup didn't learn the details about said encounter until much, much later. Still, Kup was the one that helped him figure out ways to cope in more 'healthy' ways...even if one of those ways resulted in the old mech getting the brunt of it.
In many continuities, Ebonscream has a strong kinship with Wheeljack. This is in part due to both having experienced being captives of the Sirens, but it mainly due to the fact that it was Wheeljack that got Ebonscream to finally open up about the trauma he suffered at the hands of Requiem. While in both Astral Aligned and Karmaverse some intimacy occurred between the two of them, it is only in Karmaverse where the two become bondmates.

The Sirens

While Ebonscream respects the groups reluctance to kill and their ultimate goal of uniting everyone to stop the senseless conflict, he despises their methods of brainwashing, blackmail and borderline slavery to accomplish it. So he works to either reform, rescue or (reluctantly) eliminate any member he comes across.
A high ranking member Ebonscream was able to open the optics to the problems of the group to, thus held a lot of respect for him for opening his mind and trying to improve things. A long lasting friendship likely would have developed if Drivewhip hadn't been 'eliminated' by a power hungry Stormburst.
Starsong started out as simply an informant, but that quickly changed into friendship and beyond over time. Ebonscream disapproved of their more vengeful tendencies but was able to overlook it enough to become bondmates with them in Astral Aligned. In other continuities, however, it ended up being a deal breaker in terms of a close relationship, if one even started to begin with.
Ebonscream's nemesis in the Sirens. He hates his stubborn unwillingness to see the error of his ways and his blatant willingness to 'bend the rules' to achieve his selfish goals.


Nightblade is someone Ebonscream always forms a strong bond with in any continuity they meet, usually to the point of becoming bondmates. This is part due to a naturally high spark compatibility rating, but also due to Ebonscream liking the mech's sense of honor, discipline and skill. Unfortunately in both Astral Aligned and Karmaverse one or both of them perish before they get a chance to meet.
  Stormwise and Zephyr
As they were his caretakers in his youth, he has a lot of love and respect for them, though he didn't 'appreciate' them at the time until he thought he had lost them both due to his, then, arrogant/rebellious nature. In Astral Aligned he is offlined before he ever finds out they had both survived. In Karmaverse, however, he has a chance to rekindle the bond with one of them.


With Starsong
Starscream - Astral Aligned only. Bike/Jet Triple Changer mech
  With Wheeljack
Nightfire - Karmaverse only. Jet/car Triple Changer mech
  With Nightblade
Sparkstar - Jetframe, femme
Duskblade and Dawnedge - twins, both heloframe, transport type, both mechs
Duo - jetframe (note: initially a they/them due to chimerism, but eventually becomes a mech)
Goliath - heloframe, heavy transport, mech


Creation: Early Age of Cataclysm
Creation type: Wellborn
Frame type: Jet, interdiction class
Sigma: Yes
Faction: Wrecker
Continuities: Astral Aligned, Karmaverse

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Character Portrait image: Ebonscream Full by Slaskia


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