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The R'aagun

The R'aagun is a Quintesson scout class ship that is currently 'owned' by the rebel Quintesson, Yarzon 



Occupancy: up to 9, but can be manned by 1
Reactor type: Adaptive
Defenses: Quintesson grade cloaking and Signal masking tech. (internal) Spike turrets (both retractable and static) and various combat drones, (external) railgun turret.  Emergency warp drive.
Other items of note:  Ground Bridge in hanger bay (after joining the Autobots). Hanger bay large enough to fit the Jackhammer.  Full size medical bay with a medical tool fabrication unit.  

The Crew

Yarzon is the 'Captain' of the ship, but also fulfills other roles as needed.  Skywarp helps where he can, but due to his physical state (and mental limitations), he usually just stays out of the way.  The bulk of the maintenance and repairs are done by drones Yarzon constructed.  


Long ago, the Quintesson Hierarchy ordered this ship to be scuttled and left to rot in a junkyard on the plant Aquatron, it's previous name and history since forgotten.  It was here Yarzon found it's remains and started work on rebuilding it, with the intent of using it as both a means of transportation and as a base of operations.  It took many vorns of work, but the reconstruction effort was eventually completed shortly after the Autobot and Decepticon ships, the Arc and Nemesis respectively, succeeded in escaping the planet.  The newly christened R'aagun made it's maiden flight shortly thereafter, with Yarzon and the recently rescued Skywarp as it's sole sapient passengers.
  Since then, the ship was constantly being tinkered with and improved upon as Yarzon and Skywarp explore the universe.  Some of these changes were due to necessity, such as beefing up defenses, both internal and external (well...attempted to on the external part), while others were more 'quality of life' (such as ensuring the ship has a breathable atmosphere in case Skywarp brought any 'cute' organics on board without Yarzon's knowledge).  It's greatest improvements, however, would come after they finally joined the Autobot's on Earth and Wheeljack, whom was much more experienced in ship construction, started assisting in upgrading the ship in many areas.

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