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The Sirens

The Siren's were once a fairly large tribe of Cyberontrians that mainly lived, and controlled, the region known as the Sonic Canyons, but have all but completely disappeared by the time of the Great War.  


All Sirens have a strong ‘the body knows best’ philosophy. In other words, they are bots of instinct. They believe what the body is ‘telling’ them is always right and that the processor is just a tool of the body to ensure the body gets what it desires. If the processor has a ‘thought’ contrary to what the body ‘feels’, it is ignored. This is especially the case when it comes to relationships and intimacy. Due to this, the concept of ‘verbal consent’ is scoffed at.
  They believe every bot has a bondmate (referred to as their ‘Chosen’) out there for them and that finding that mate is their first and foremost goal in life, or else they are not truly ‘complete’. Because of this particular belief, Siren's generally avoid killing other Cybertronians directly, for they believe denying another their Chosen is a great sin. In addition to this, faithfulness to said bondmate is very important to them, to the point that if their bondmate dies, they never seek out another. That said, cheating is punished severely, even if the accused bot’s mate is already dead.
Also of note, only those that are bonded are capable of ascending to the leadership ranks. If a such individual should lose their bondmate, they stand a good chance of losing their rank once someone worthy of their position is found.
  Another tenant they have is that the leadership knows what each individual is best 'suited' for in regards to their position in the tribe. This decision is largely based on body-type (frame-type), which makes them similar to the Functionalists in other continuities, but unlike the Functionalists, Siren's will allow 'exceptions' if the individual's prove them wrong.
  They are also somewhat isolationist, preferring not to interact with other groups, not even for trade. The only time they do interact with outsiders is strictly when they are actively looking to gain new members. As a result, said new members are the only time 'fresh' ideas and technology has a chance to be integrated into the tribe, leaving the at risk of being potentially 'behind' in regard to technological and medical advancement.   The last tenant they have, is they believe that all of Cybertron should be under their rule, for they believe doing so would end the constant strife and war between the fledging societies of the time.  

The Proving Cage

The Proving Cage is a literal cage hung over one of the many canyons in their territory. Whenever a member is considered too ill or damaged to be treated/repaired, they are placed in this cage to under go the Test of Primus. The belief is that if the member is worthy, Primus would perform a miracle and heal the member. If not, they eventually die of their condition and their body is unceremoniously dumped into the canyon below.   To date, only one individual has 'passed' this test.  


While Siren's readily gain membership from normal sources, such as spark showers and the occasional willing walk-in(and reproduction between members in continuities such as Karmaverse), their greatest means of 'acquiring' new members is through brainwashing via a process they dubbed 'convincing'.   The first step is the approach a lone bot and attempt to convince them to visit their camp. If the bot accepts they are taken to the camp and given a safe 'tour', however they have no 'choice' to leave: should the bot decide to not stay, they are knocked out. If the initial invitation is refused, they outright kidnap them either on the spot or after returning with some backup. In either scenario, the victim is taken to their 'initiation chambers' where they are chained up and subjected to isolation, sensory deprivation, starvation, psychological manipulation and, for the more stubborn ones, even physical torture until they submit. This process can take many joors (weeks) and even after submission, the psychological manipulation will continue.   Once the leadership is confident an initiate is fully under their sway, they are branded with their insignia. This is a literal branding, the symbol melted onto the new members chestplate and backplate. These brands make it very easy to identify members, particularly those that attempt to escape the tribe. Those that do so are hunted down and brought back by force, then severely punished.


They formed during the cataclysm, during the time all life had to hide underground to survive due to a passing rogue star (tail end of the Age of Evolution).   (this section is very WIP)


Siren's have a strict rank hierarchy that is split into two tiers: Leadership and Follower.  

Leadership ranks


The one in charge of the tribe and whom has the last say on any decisions.   Known holders: Cliffwing (until Golden Age), Steelstone (until late Age of Rust)  


Second-in-command of the tribe and usually the Chief's bondmate.   Known holders: Tigercloud (until late Age of Origin)  

High Overseer

High Overseers are in change of ensuring the Overseers are doing their jobs and report directly to the Baron. However, after the events of High Value, this position was dissolved.   Last holder: Steelstone  


Overseers are the bots in charge of a specific function/role within the tribe. A single bot can hold multiple 'titles' within this rank if they are deemed both worthy and capable of the responsivity.  
Overseer Titles
Overseer in charge of acquisition of new members, initiation of said members and assigning them to their roles.   Known holders: Stormburst (until after events of High Value), Steelstone   Scouting
Fairly obvious: directs/trains scouts, whom patrol their territory for threats and potential new members. Also commands the chasers.   Known holders: Stormburst   Combat
Bot in charger of combat training and general defense of the tribe.   Known holders: Drivewhip   Supply
In charge of ensuring general supplies are in order, also runs the forge.   Known holders: Scrapback   Maintenance
Oversees general maintenance of tribe camps, including pest control.   Known holders: Oilhead   Medical
Ensures the medbay has everything they need to run.   Known holders: Oilhead  

Follower ranks

While not in any particular order, some ranks are considered 'bottom tier'.
  • Medic
  • Herbalist – bot in charge of keeping medical supplies stocked and prepared. They also serve as the medic's assistant.
  • Guard/Defender
  • Scout
  • Chaser - bots that go out to hunt down members that attempt to leave the tribe. Usually have a secondary duty, like Scout.
  • Smith
  • Washer
  • Feeder - bots that are tasked with feeding initiates and those in the Proving cage
  • Waste Porter

Known Members

They have had many members over the reign: this list just covers the ones I've named.
  • Starsong (herbalists, traitor)
  • Stormburst (Overseer)
  • Steelstone (Overseer)
  • Cliffwing (Chief)
  • Tigercloud (Baron)
  • Swiftkick (Scout)
  • Stampede (Scout)
  • Whirl (former/deserter)
  • Drivewhip (Overseer)
  • Scrapback (Overseer)
  • Oilhead (Overseer)
  • Dunesight (former/deserter)
  • Gravelgrind (former medic/deserter)
  • Slipraid (Scout)
  • Bloodsides
  • Delirium (washer)
  • Lightrazor (Scout)
Geopolitical, Tribe

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Character flag image: Siren Insignia Concept by Slaskia


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