The Battle for Iskandor Military Conflict in A Guide to Aslandia | World Anvil
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The Battle for Iskandor

Malign Balefud lead an attack on the capital city of Meresia called Iskandor. He took over 28,500 warriors with him to fight against the fortress however it ultimately ended in a devastating defeat. There were over 28,000 deaths on Malign's side while the armies of Iskandor took only 46. The army of Malign was relentless with no amount of deaths stopping their attack. It all ended when Malign Balefud himself ordered the retreat after being shot with an arrow to the lung. He died later on the way to Jumak from blood loss and suffocation. This war would secure the 20th victory for Iskandor out of the 20 battles it has been through over the thousands of years.   King King Hildred Iskandervel was king at the time of the battle and he was on the outer wall as they ravaged the opposing army and later took claim to the territories to the north forcing Jumak back and containing them within their borders.
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