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(From The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) Physical Description: Braedynne looks like an elf child: only about four feet tall, if even that, slightly big eyes, small nose and undeveloped features, pointy ears. Long green disheveled hair, kinda tangled with some debris stuck in it, like she hasn't had a comb or a mirror to look in for forever. And her irises are bright green as well. Her clothes are in tatters and sort of wrong, like half of what was once a cloak tied around her hips as a makeshift skirt and maybe what was once supposed to be a skirt tied over one shoulder and under the other.   Character Bio: In her world, Braedynne would be known as a forest child, or a fairy child. It’s a subject that might be heard in fanciful bard’s songs and old wives’ tales, and while definitely intriguing, they are nothing powerful or scary, or consequential in people’s lives in any way. Yet the Kokiri existed, pretty much in their own little bubble, in a forest protected by a great spirit known as the Great Deku Tree.   Braedynne was one such Kokiri, and she grew up among her other brothers and sisters. By “growing up”, she essentially hatched from a flower pod, grew as an infant, then into a toddler, a young child, and then apparently stopped aging at roughly what appears to be the age of seven or eight. The same thing happened to everyone else that she ever knew. However, one key difference was before they even reached that point, all Kokiri were assigned a guardian fairy to protect, guide, and accompany them. But not Braedynne…   For a long while, Braedynne lived among her brothers and sisters happily and peacefully. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. They were kind and patient and treated her as an equal regardless, aside from one or two bullies. Braedynne simply tried to avoid them as much as possible.   But as years dragged on into decades, and decades into centuries, she felt a gnawing sense of nihilism. She had read every book in their library at least thrice, experienced all the outcomes of their games and celebrations. But she couldn’t really explain why she felt the way she did. Was it repeated feelings of deja vu? Feeling cheated out of winning a board game that she didn’t really care about anyway? Tired of the same conversations and the same gossip?   Though she loved her brothers and sisters, she felt herself growing more and more distant and alone. This feeling was only magnified by the fact that after all these years, she still didn’t have a guardian fairy. She had no one to confide in and no one who was, perhaps in some sense of the phrase, a soul mate. There was still no explanation as to why she hadn’t received a fairy either. She had spoken to the Great Deku Tree a few times about it, and all she was told was some vague promise that one day she would get the right fairy when the time was right.   While Braedynne refused to believe that life was meaningless, she felt trapped: trapped in a cage which she could not leave, or perhaps didn’t even belong, because if she left the forest she would die. But she didn’t want to die. Yet she didn’t know what she wanted anymore. So, she wandered and explored. She dared to set foot into the lost woods, and she stood at the edge of the forest, gazing out into the plains beyond wondering if she should try leaving.. but she didn’t. Instead she trode further into the recesses of the forest, deeper and deeper into the Lost Woods.   It was said that those who got lost would turn into monsters - skull kids - but that never happened. Instead, maybe something worse happened: she was forgotten. Braedynne didn’t know how long it had been, but when she returned to their village, she had trouble recalling everyone’s names. Many could not remember her name either. Even the one who gifted her an ocarina as a keepsake.. What was it.. Mimi? Mimsey?   Though Braedynne was welcomed back and still thought to be a Kokiri, given her green hair, she still had no fairy. And that’s what jogged everyone’s memories the most: the girl without a fairy. On top of her disheveled appearance (now in tattered clothes and no shoes) she felt even more singled out and isolated. Soon, Braedynne left, and she wasn’t heard from again.. at least, not in the village. Some of the other Kokiri sometimes say they hear the haunting melody of an ocarina coming from deep in the woods, or caught glimpses of a skull kid. But it might have just been Braedynne, the lonely girl without a fairy.


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