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The best I (Viirin) could do with this item in order to make it able to fit in a roleplay, was to try to convert its rules directly from code, then simplify it.   Only a monster can be caught with a pokeball. Exactly what counts as a monster in various franchises absolutely requires the players to talk to the GM. You hear me, Patrons? Talk to Nexus!   This is a roleplay, and so thrown item accuracy exists. Continuing past that...   There is only a 15% chance that a pokeball will be able to catch a monster. This is good, as it can be easily translated as an 18 or higher on a 1d20. If the monster is severely injured, then it gets a -3 die roll difficulty modifier, bringing the roll to a 15 on a 1d20. For every status abnormality it has, such as snared, poisoned, sleeping, bound, or anything else, it gets an additional -3.   If a monster is being very difficult to capture, then hit it with statuses! Also this might kill it, so there's definitely a balance. Since we aren't only talking pokemon here, the monsters might not be so comfortable with this crazy amount of injuries and pain.   Monsters caught by a pokeball are now pokemon! They will need to actually be trained, and they probably don't have leveling or evolution systems. The pokeball doesn't create any of that. It just makes it so you can keep a monster. The quality of pet it is, is up to the trainer.   Okay so everyone already knows what a pokeball looks like, and that there are different ones that work a little different. No matter which one you use, the ball will digitize the monster and keep it contained in the ball through very high technology. The different types of ball besides the basic are here:   Pokeball: 18 on a d20 to catch
Greatball: 15 on a d20 to catch
Ultraball: 12 on a d20 to catch
Masterball: NPCs can't get these so no one playing this RP will ever get one.
Dusk Ball: 18 on a d20 unless the monster is darkness elemental, it's night time, or you're underground. For each of those, -3 difficulty.
Quick Ball: 18 on a d20, unless the monster has superior dexterity to the character hitting it with a ball. In that case it's a 12 on a d20.
Fast Ball: 12 on a d20 if the monster gets hit before it's aware it's being targeted.
Heavy Ball: 18 on a d20, -1 for every weight class the monster is over the character.
Heal Ball: 18 on a d20 but the monster will be fully healed upon being caught.
Dive Ball: 18 on a d20 unless the character and monster are both underwater, then it's a 12 on a d20.
Lure Ball: -3 difficulty if the monster is caught on a fishing hook.
Net Ball: DC18, but -3 if the monster is a bug or has water attribute.
Nest Ball: If the monster is ridiculously weak compared to the character throwing the ball, -3 difficulty.


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